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Minecraft 1.20 officially has a name, Minecraft Bedrock is closer than ever to getting editor mode, and a third Minecraft 1.19.4 pre release is out with archeology, potion, and arrow changes!
0:00 – Minecraft 1.19.4 Pre Release 3
4:28 – New Minecraft Editor Gamemode Leak
7:54 – Minecraft 1.20 Name Reveal
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if you read this comment another name idea for 1.20
Now that we know the name of the update, does it get you more hyped??
I feel like the name fits to the new things that are going to be added 💗
stop with theeee floating treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I LOVE the dog bowls <3_<3
I wish they would add a auto walk/run key bind
They've been relasing some of the stuff in Trails and Tales on PE, I have the bookshelves where I can place books.
I wish that Minecraft had a mod creator so that you could make your own mods however you want
I wish that Minecraft had a mod creator so that you could make your own mods however you want
I just image what would happen if we had silver items in Minecraft just like the copper
i love the name of the 1.20 update, being able to make your own stories in Minecraft can add so much to your world/s. this makes me really want to build a world with it's own lore, main story and side stories, offering a complete and fulfilling experience.
We need a combat update.
I hate how he left those trees floating
While I appreciate the work put into these videos, I sure do miss the days of building in survival. I'm sure it was grinding on your end, but very inspirational for us. Thanks for all the work you've given us over the years, Wattles.
Broo so how is the 1.20 update I’ve bin loving it thank’s for the tips dude can you tell me on how to get the cherry grove biome because I started a tester world to see what’s new but I did not get the cherry grove stuff
And how did you get the archaeology stuff
You bet it dose
I am soooooooo hyped about it
Ngl feels like they saw hytale and realize they needed to add a editor for bedrock fast
The yellow froglights with the bamboo trapdoors truly look great in that house.
Now we have more potion colours, finally time to make the brewing stand show what's in it correctly?
It surprises me how often companies still try to force a narrative. I have zero confidence that anything she said about the name is gonna convey to the game. They're gonna add the beast, maybe a flower or two, maybe the way you interact with an object will change but thats it. Neither trails nor tales will have any part of it of the actual gameplay. Also I'm pissed the editor is only in bedrock. booo.
Pot chess: flower pots on pots with different flowers in them for different pieces, and black and white carpet on top if possible. If not, put them on black and white concrete
When you put the potion in the cauldron is the new color there
Interesting name for 1.20
I feel like they shouldn’t give names to updates cause it gives people stuff to dislike Like tales except they mean tales we tell …so how minecraft been for the last decade And trails what trails there’s been like no path updates no new adventure stuff what has trails got to do with it Minecraft has always been about expression but they buckled down on that more with this update so even though it’s not fancy and doesn’t have the alliteration or rhyming of other updates names something like the expression update as a name makes people less like they often are
“The name doesn’t fit the update” the wild update is just cave update part 3 combined with a swamp update
I just feel the update names should start matching the update more precisely
Will it be on console? The editor mode
The potion colours look horrible
I f***king can’t wait
don’t report pls i’m just very excited
Although I'm all for editor mode, it does render the structure blocks and it's categorised blocks, useless.
makes me less excited cuz now there is even less chance of a desert revamp