TINKERS' CONSTRUCT ADDON: Minecraft Bedrock Edition New Trader UPDATE 2 Review!

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Tinkers’ Construct Addon was updated for Minecraft Bedrock Edition!
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In this video, we jump into the latest Trader Update 2 for the Tinkers’ Construct Addon in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Join us as we explore everything you need to know about the new features, items, and improvements in this latest update.


24 thoughts on “TINKERS' CONSTRUCT ADDON: Minecraft Bedrock Edition New Trader UPDATE 2 Review!”

  1. Got a few bugs to mention. Mosaic bamboo blocks, slabs, stairs does not seem to work with axes.. All bone and iron cleavers cannot be enchanted, as well as all "Iron" shoels. Personally I like the fact we can repair and have some fun, I really want my enchantments back. BTW Bedrock edition, IOS.

  2. The same issue that exists with the bone axe I have found exists with the all iron axe and the all iron shoel, I’m not sure about other materials but I know I made both of those out of iron and they don’t break any faster. Also not sure if it’s supposed to be this way, but the green slime wood and wood planks break WAY slower than vanilla woods, even with vanilla tools

  3. I wish the large smelter was expandable and be able to hold more based on how big you build it, I've built a whole building for this addon in my world and yes you can build it to be larger, upwards but it doesn't affect capacity whatsoever…

  4. I am waiting for someone to create a 1 Person Sleep add on and a Chunk Viewer add on. It would be absolutely helpful in for realms and creating slime farms for consoles.

  5. Hey there ECKO, I know that this isn’t the same ADDON but with the “Another Furniture” ADDON, are you or is ANYONE else having trouble with that ADDON.? Like I can walk through certain pieces of furniture/shelving, like with the Shelves, in your video and when I first downloaded the ADDON, you could place items onto the shelves and they would sit on them, but now you can’t place anything on them nor will they hold anything any longer and you can straight up just walk through them, same with a few of the pieces of furniture, it’s kind of crappy that the shelves no longer hold items and that you can walk through them like they aren’t even there, if you could pass that on to the designer/developer of the “Another Furniture” ADDON it e oh l’s be BEYOND greatly appreciated so that that way it can be fixed and I can continue building my Custom “Safest Millionaire Mansion/Bunker”.
    MUCH OBLIGED MY GOOD SIR!! I hope that your having a good day and a good start to the week.!!! I look forward to your next video on these new ADDON’s.!!! Watching your videos on these ADDON’s has DEFINITELY helped me decide on which ones I want and which ones would really truly help me out inside me world.!!! MUCH OBLIGED for ALLL of those videos and ALLL of your videos that help learn new things and expand my creativity and expand the wonders of my World that away to be explored and found.!!!


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