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Minecraft Bedrock 1.18.10 is out now 👏 The update brings more changes to villagers, some experimental wild update features, and more! This video goes over all of the significant changes in Bedrock 1.18.10
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if you read this comment “ribbit”
I didn't know there were frogs in minecraft
it didn't give the ui in the pe version
Are u a mobile minecraft player
Can yo give me the link for your ui
Lol you crying cause Java don’t have it bedrock is better
Kinda just mindblown to hear him talking about other content creators lol silentwisper is my go to for alot of bedrock whathaveyou
Since the game updated I can’t place slabs quickly in a row and it pisses me off so bad… Does somebody know if there is a way to fix this?
i hope they add the ability to design your shield in the 1.19, like in java
im upset they got rid of the exp from furnace, it was so handy. now i cant really enchant cause i died and cant regain my exp quickly
Cool, they fixed one glitch that was actually useful and everyone loved.
And probably created 15 game breaking bugs in the process that will be ignored for years. Gotta love the crackrock devs
The glitch that villagers dissappear has happened to me. And I lost my mending villager. 🔥🔥🔥🔥This is fine🔥🔥🔥🔥
rip the furnace glitch lmfao
No warden😱😭
Where frog is spawned can you tell
Oh Snap! Wattles streamed? Write that on the calander.
That’s not always a bedrock it’s also Pe Version
Hey I was just wondering Minecraft when I came across the new skin features. I saw that you can do something to get a skin from your files on Xbox. Does this mean I can get custom skins now???
"When you put em' on land bad things happen"
Yes, yes they do 😂😭
i play on ps4 and i dont have all these thinns even do i updated minecraft
7 days head of the game good work.
Bru they show java so much atention when they do it on bedrock uyou go crazy
Cool but cheack out my review
The frog spawn is called frog spawn because in real life it is called frog spawn 😂 honest mistake
Rise up brothers wee have weited for tis forever
One thing NEEDS to come to bedrock explosions don't blow up items deep slate is a pain to mine without tnt
will bedrock ever have mods😞
Java can have frogs when bedrock can put banners on shields.
I found out today while playing the Iron Golems seem to crack now when taking damage in bedrock, I didn't try to heal it though as I was avoiding taking damage from it and I didn't have any Iron until after I killed it unfortunately!
Edit: So, I found a bug that is kinda cool!
Has anyone experienced blocks stacking when not aiming directly at the top of the block?
So I have been filling in some holes found in natural generation, while doing so when I place a block in a corner that has grass (not tall grass) on it and proceed to run out my new line of blocks, interestingly enough I will start placing blocks directly on top of the one places on the grass block and It will stack 5 blocks tall when I'm not aiming at that block!
Is warden coming for bedrocks?
It's been months and my Minecraft doesn't have any of this 😐
Finally a new update
10 years later bedrock gets frogs 🤣 bedrock literally is trash not worth playing unless you're on your phone and just want to play MC