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Microsoft Wants You to Switch to Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This is a NEW Minecraft 1.21 video. In this video, I am going to talk about all the things that Microsoft, the owners of Minecraft, are doing to push players into giving Bedrock Edition a try. Java players usually don’t feel like trying out Bedrock, as Java is more customizable and has more freedom in what you do with the game overall. Recently though, Microsoft is slowly pushing players to give the game a try. And many players are unhappy about it. It’s very epic, fun, amazing and poggers! This will make playing Minecraft insane and amazing! Your players will absolutely love it! I had lots of laughs and fun. Hopefully, you’ll get some useful information from this video. I love Minecraft fun!
Minecraft Paper / Spigot / Bukkit / Purpur Tutorial. Also BungeeCord / Waterfall / Velocity proxy Tutorial. Minecraft: Java Edition / Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server Plugin Tutorials. These plugins come from SpigotMC / MCMarket / BuildbyBit / CurseForge / Modrinth and Github. Minecraft Plugin Tutorials / Installation Tutorials / Plugin Setup Tutorials / Plugin Showcases / Plugin Reviews. Plugin support / Plugin Setup Guide. New Minecraft Plugins. Top 10 Minecraft Plugins / Best Minecraft Server Plugins. Top Minecraft Server Plugins. Paper / Spigot / Bukkit-based Plugins. But Minecraft Mods as well. Forge / Fabric / Quilt Mods. Most Fun Minecraft Mods. Download and Installation of Minecraft Plugins / Mods. Minecraft Mod Showcases / Mod Reviews. It’s a KasaiSora video on YouTube. Not The Breakdown / Skip the Tutorial / Phoenix SC / Shulkercraft or any other creator. This is amazingly fun and absolutely poggers.
#minecraft #minecraftplugins #minecrafttutorial
Nope, I'm not switching to the paid game with microtransactions. This is minecraft, not fortnite with all these dances and 4D skins
Well yeah, because bedrock is more monetized and Java isn’t. They want the money and just the money, mojang and Microsoft are not our friends lol
I first played Java then I played bedrock because once my Java malfunctioned I will not go back to java
Bedrock Minecraft itself is fine, the MCC event just has so much stuff in it it’s way to much to handle
Microsoft is becoming the new EA
Fun fact: If u go to minecraft and see the "Minecraft" title on JE it said "Minecraft java edition" and if u see it on BE it said "Minecraft" only. and u know java can only played on pc or other kind of tht (btw if ur talking about Pojav Launcher, it's still not the official version of java from mojang), and Bedrock can be played on phone, computer, console, etc so rn you may think MCBE is the main version of Minecraft
We should go on strike
Microsoft i want money 🤑🤑
I hate this when java youtubers say bedrock has no mods.
Just like java you can go on websites like mcpedl download them and mods like better on bedrock my xxpoggyislitxx is really good or might be better than some java mods.
bedrock has restrictions but it also has different advantages for mods
Microsoft: Asks me to switch to Java
Me: No, No I don't think I will
I only play bedrock because of my friends because they are on console and I’m in pc, however, I like Java better and will always like it
tbh, I AGREE. Bedrock has it's benifits but I hate the fact that people say "BeDrOcK iS mOrE oPtImIzEd" Like no it's NOT. Unless you have an absolute potato, I get under 200 fps like 100% of time on bedrock and on Java I get 300+ with heavy graphics and motion blur. Like I wanna see a stable 200+ fps on bedrock so bad but it's impossible even on a 14900k and a 4090. UWP is THE main problem here…
i found minecraft through bedrock on my tablet but after playing java i can never come back to bedrock
They’re focusing on moving players to bedrock edition, and not making either edition better. Also, I have played bedrock for years, and never had any performance issues. I think it was that there was thousands of player on the server.
ولاهي بدروك مش buggy لية و لاعبت بدروك و مشفتش اية bug😂😂😂😂😂😂
Microsoft needs to stop controlling Mojang. It’s Mojang’s game and Mojang will do whatever it wants
mojang isn't even responable for bedrock. mojang sweeden is the og mojang that made minecraft java, while mojang redmond in the other hand is who responable for minecraft bedrock.
I played Bedrock for a few years, when I swapped to Java I never want to play Bedrock again
Bedrock edition is super buggy and laggy. In my experience, on my Xbox One S I have a lot more lags and bugs on Minecraft. It does run better on my pc which has similar performance to my Xbox in most games.
I play both and I do have to say, bedrock is very user friendly
I like java the only when i want to play solo I wish I couldafford the server on java , I like bedrock when to want to play with friend and family
How to fix Bedrock:
Delete it and make Java compatible with all devices.
Java forever!
I hate Bedrock now more than I ALREADY DID. I play Minecraft literally for one server, DiamondFire, which is a JAVA server. I also like making command creations, and I HATE bedrock commands
I have to play on bedrock edition because my PC is too laggy for Java. I wish I could play Java but I can’t. Luckily I was able to get Java on my Quest 2 so I can install mods again
Call me crazy but I'm in support of this change.
There might be a slight bias as most of my friends play Bedrock, but here goes.
A big reason they're doing this is that they want Java/Bedrock parity and merge both games into one. I'm honestly cool with that as I still have some Java-playing friends that I can't be bothered to set up a server for. It's pretty easy on Bedrock (If any Java players here are unfamiliar: If certain multiplayer settings are selected, as long as the world host is in the game and is your friend/friends with one of your friends, you can join the game). I know this makes Minecraft Realms necessary if you want to play together for real, but all server-hosting websites are third-party anyway and Mojang didn't want it.
Also, a lot of Java players are jealous of Bedrock features (I don't really understand why you don't just change versions), but there's a lot of Java features we don't have either (Offhand is limited to like 5 specific items, World border doesn't exist… The list goes on). But this brings me to my next point: If Mojang really does switch to developing only one game, that means, in theory, updates will be released about twice as fast due to half the games needed to monitor.
To be honest I don't really have a problem with Minecraft wanting money for stuff like playing with friends online or buying "avatar items".
I won't be surprised by anything you say in these replies- I'm expecting bad.
Java >>>>>>>>>>>>>> bedrock
way better 🙂
I do prefer Bedrock edition personally yeah I agree with many points it has some great bedrock exclusive things tho such as leaves turning white, sheep reproduction etc. However the main part of bedrock edition is The Hive; it is the complete opposite of bedrock edition, servers are well made, games are not pay to play and the games have its own touch to it <3
Great video!
The problem is that until parody is achieved playing one version will ‘lock’ you into that version since world data dosen’t transfer over perfectly.
Note: you can get a better deal on Minecraft: Java Edition accounts on 3rd party key sites like G2A, where I found my little brother a copy of Java Edition by itself.
I have played both versions, Java being my first, but i still prefer to play bedrock edition