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Today we’re discussing how Minecraft’s latest content drops; The Garden Awakens & Bundles of Bravery are going to be a problem for 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft.
The updates have things that will be good, bad, and REALLY bad for the server.
Special Thanks:
Etianl – Footage, information – https://www.youtube.com/@mountainsoflavainc.6913
xcc2 – Thumbnail background render
Additional Music:
Robots(DS), Rayman M, SMRPG
If you enjoyed this video discussing how Minecraft’s Pale Garden is a PROBLEM for 2b2t I would appreciate if you would consider hitting that like and subscribe button!
This video has nothing to do with speedrunners, 100 days, “minecraft but”, the bedrock marketplace, Mojang lawsuits, eyeblossom capes or any of those other topics.
Thanks for your patience the past few months! The next 2b2t video is a longer one so expect it in late January/February.
Rayman m music nice
Pearls could probably be fixed by limiting the number each player can have out at once, and limiting their maximum velocity.
But at that point you might as well just disable the chunk loading feature.
Just add a gamerule for the ender pearl thing
Great. A new way to make spawn yet more terrifying.
Meanwhile I’m flying down the nether highways at 400kph a second on 2b2t 😂
Maybe The Oldest Anaechy Server In Mincraft, is this friends we made along the way
2b2t updates really do feel like hearing news from foreign countries
My question. Who cares?
you should make a video abt what if 2b2t was a small legacy console world how long would it take to reduce every block down to bedrock?
Or a modded player of any sort is going to not have fun updating there 50 mods that they have to keep track of because then the dev of that mod needs to update.
I thought 2b2t was stuck in 1.12 or something like that
The 2b2t spawn became more horrifying than ever.
I would like to point out that the MOMENT I heard that hammer damage scales with how far you fall, it would break anarchy PVP due to packet exploits.
I’d love to see how the wind charge can potentially abused on the server.
Where the bloody hell have you been?!
You came here because you don't have the time to watch a one hour guide by wattles
Or you can just walk 50 blocks from if😢
You are a good Minecraft YouTuber.
I didn’t even know this stuff was added to the game until now.
0:57 Is he describing me? Because that's literally me.