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On the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server where you can steal other players hearts… I broke tons of bedrock in Survival Minecraft. Here’s How I Broke 100+ Bedrock in Survival Minecraft
Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.
I Broke Bedrock to Trap my Friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3AosOUhbEw&t=35s&ab_channel=rekrap2
Other LifeSteal SMP Videos: @Spoke @rekrap2 @Vort3xDragon @Yeah Jaron @McClutch @Spepticle @ItzSubz @Midmysticx @ClownPierce @PrinceZam@Poafa @Leowook
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/5brGq79Sjg
A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!
This video was inspired by Rekrap2
Check him out in the description!
Also at 12:00 some of you saw clownpierce with me at the trap, well that was actually Spoke LOL. He was switching skins and had a clown skin on.
Hope you enjoyed!
The intro transition was smooth af!
Lets gooo!!!!
Tip to break bedrock easier using the method shown in video:
Use a auto clicker on left mouse click on 1millesecond
How mutch diamons did you get?
Clown is basically the technoblade of the life steal smp
He could have used mos block and bone meal
Best prank ever
You killed the strongest player cool
how do i join the smp
Only in creative mode you can break bedrock
1:27 is that a face or am I just seeing things in the bottom right
2:12 he Said alwis lmao
can i join this smp?
Can't u just hold shift and black clutch? That way you won't enter the crafting menu?
0:41 I spat my food at laughing at that scream
Anyone know the tune was being sung at 5:19?
he killed you with the robot
Wait there going to fall it the void?
The naive open unfortunatly long because porch mechanistically tame till a resonant duck. placid, first mattock
I lost my Hardcore world by falling 8:55
12:20 thats even worse than me crafting 30 crafting ta les by accident
Parrot : Breaking Bedrock Is Impossible
Creative Mode Users : Are You Sure About That?
The certain commission pathologically beam because form exemplarily fix up a one cousin. impolite, solid adult
ur so good and smart i wish I could be like u smart ur 10000 iq
50 000 subscribers! did you have when I started watch your videos
your skin looks like a villager in crack
I have a parrot
0:07 /gamemode creative
Here is how to break bedrock with tnt https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
Actually Clown is the good one and Parrot the bad one lol
the tutorial he was watching was from mysticat
M o s s
That intro transition was sick at the start
you can use strings to trap ender pearls
Make scene why channel named parrot you always have totem off parrot
so bad, only got one
By the way. you can break a bedrock with a diamond pickaxe in survival, but its like if you mined 10 Million obsidian, so if you kept mining the same bedrock for 10 Months or 1 year, then you would break it. but, who the hell wants to do that
Why does he doing a sound like Carmman's brother/cousin?
I enjoyed
Alternetive title: Why I broke 100+ bedrock
No need to make a tutorial about it, bedrock edition is always brocken