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Let us hop into some new Minecraft Mobs! The frog is now in Minecraft. The mob is in the Minecraft Bedrock Beta They can be found I the swamp, bread, and lay eggs.
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Interesting fact: it's hard to promote YouTube channel so I should write such comments
''congrats to everyone that was early and found this comment''
I wonder when will be the 1st Minecraft minecraft snapshots for 1.19 release(on Java and Bedrock)
Wow great video keep it up!👍🏻
Finally I got here early
Fun fact, Chad! A group of frogs is actually called an "army!"
Next update will be cool
Chad Merry Christmas to you, family, and viewers.
13:54 it's not a bug it is a feature
Use sik touch picaxe to break eggs
SO CUTE! THX Chad! Merry Christmas!!
Colors make no sense, feel like cold frog should be white and warm frog should be green
Merry Christmas, OMG. May Santa bring back your red hair!!!
Why does such great content have to be presented by a YouTube clown from Hell? Seriously, this guy’s production value is pure garbage. Will you please learn about audio production? Focus on “normalization and compression.” Not like disk space compression but dynamic range and spectral compression.
YOUR SHRIEKING BLASTS DAMAGE EARS!!!! YouTube, you need to either block this trash or put a hearing damage warning on this channel.
The tadpole faces in the buckets are so cute
Why arent you as big as you used to be? I dont ever get recommendations from your channel, you dont get as many views or likes as you used to. What happened??
I like to eat frogs
When will it come out?
That’s not a bug it’s been in the game for ages
When flies were announced I freaked, because of the all the lag they will cause. I am only going into swamps for the frogs quickly and dipping .
Can you take them???????????
I spawned a white one in creative with a bucket in a first try!
But… I can’t seem to see the frog spawn ☹️
Frogs are my fav…
Slime balls work too
You can use a slime ball. To breed frogs to