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Mojang has just added CUSTOM ARMOR to Minecraft for the 1.20 update! This always you to make custom armor trimming for any armor in the game! Netherite armor & tool crafting has been changed and more! Subscribe for more Minecraft 1.20 news!
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#Minecraft #bedrock #update
PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down 😉
SUPER cool feature! Really looking forward to what else mojang has in store for minecraft 1.20! Whats your fav patten/trim type combo? 😀
Consider subscribing for more 1.20 news!
True or sus
(NumberOfArmorTypes + 1(for no armor) ) * NumberOfBaseArmorMaterials * NumberOfTrimTypes * NumberOfTrimColors = NumberOfCombinations
Not infinite but measurably awesome.
Dam only java?
I'm on bedrock what a bummer
THIS is the type of stuff we were waiting for and to be honest it was worth the waiting 😂
I don't like this feature as it uses 7 diamond + baston exploration + 1 "netherite ingot" to upgrade to netherite Armor
I think they need to buff the chances like to from 1-3
Ok, so does ancient debris have any use now?
screw bedrock i guess? i mean we run ON MICROSOFT, minecraft and microsoft have a direct relationship so how is it xbox gets overlooked
I wonder if the patterns are reusable like the banner patterns
Does anyone know when this is coming out to bedrock
Does this work in minecraft bedrock edition?
I like the idea but the recipes seem a bit expensive i'd understand the upgrade for Netherite being that expensive but for a purely cosmetic change, the price seems a bit steep.
I sence Philza in those armors
Is it only on java
Wait… We now need extra diamonds to upgrade to netherite? Several diamonds needed to upgrade to a netherite shovel? That's hosed!
I can't find it in that sanp shot 23w04a the smithing table gui is also normal pls tell how to get it(btw your are so good straight to the information and you tell every single detail)
Why would you not show enchanted trimmed armor???
Only on java?
Wait So Is The Netherite Ingot Are USELESS FOR NOW???
Hate it
Too expensive
thanks for posting it really carmd me down before my great grans funaral
I have the 23w04a snapshot, but non of these updates are there ingame, why this?
I hate it, I absolutely hate it
This is so cool🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒🆒😎
This is sick, i hope it comes to bedrock edition soon!
bruh to me doesnt exist
I was really hoping a gold trim would prevent the piglins from attacking.
3:21 now I can finally be Raphael from tmnt
I don't really like it tbh
The total customization in vanilla that can be done with armor worn is actually 113.68 billion (113684326875) without including leather armors or 1.06 octillion (1,066,025,223,024,375,406,801,401,536) with leather armors
You sure this isn't a random mod they stole?
I'm hating on the netherite upgrade template seems dumb to make something hard to get even harder
mojang really want ppl to keep player to play unmodded minecraft
im playing the new snapshot but cant find it anywhere and my smithing table hasn't changed too?
Hey do you know when we are getting this for bedrock ed for ps4
cries in a 3GB bedrock world
I wonder when they will release the 1.20
in a future do these items improve iron, gold and chain armor with duranility and protection of diamon because these item are made of diamonds so it would be logic if they arr consumed when are combined with armor.
Because i dont think player will fight using armor which arent dimond or netherite.
It's fake
is it only me who think Minecraft is losing it's tradition and things? In my opinion, Mojang should leave armor customization to Mods creators
its only my opinion and appreciated if you can tell me about more, thanks
but its pretty cool tho
I love everything, but the extra step to get netheire gear.
bro bedrock?😭😭😭👍
the piece for netherite will be terrible on servers you will have to travel 10s if not hundreds of thousands of blocks to bastions to get the piece
🙁 I'm on Android
ive tried to open the latest snapshots of minecraft but every time i try to armour trim something it wouldnt work not like not work but not even have it in the snapshot
i did every thing check the snapshot, check the setings it didnt work
Is it only for java?
It feels like a mod
Is this for Java only or for bedrock too?