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Minecraft Video – Making a SECRET Minecraft base to HUNT my enemy! (The Hunter)
► Twitter – https://twitter.com/Sword4000_YT
► Discord – https://discord.gg/yPKx86n
► Server IP – Sword.ArchonHQ.Net
► Member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw/join
► @TGValliant
► @RyanNotBrian
► @Badabo
I couldn't watch your live stream, so I wanted to watch it later but i was gone🤧☹
yo man idk if u remember me but my old name was william playz. I think that was the last time i commented. I got on your shoutout wall on modded factions. Thats how u used to call it at 6k subs. Just wanted to say how inspiring it is to see u grow so much. Gl man and i hope u get 40k soon
4 place
5th to comment
Can you make the video's longer like 20 minutes?
R.I.P stream hide or hunt
More more more
What pc do you use and keyboard/mouse love the series 👍♥️
What type of server is that where pvp is enabled and there is no claims but they leave stuff out in the open
i love this series!
That’s my base😂😎
Fire won't do damage
MINECRAFT WArs : Mass bombing of base please with ww2 Bombers and lot of plans and 50 players online.
Why don't you play minecraft wars ?
How do u get into the hunter?
That base you found was my old grinder base xD
In my view should minecraft wars get rolled up again, + website+ all download supplies. It shouldn't be allowed to grief other terrority + mines against tanks + active air defence with a range of 32 blocks against close flying planes(Only if all faction memers are offline), so bombing would still going. Much players are important and are fun, NUKES NEED TO GET BANNED, only moderate rockets / bombs, so that faction needs to dig much resources to afford it.
Plz like
I sword I’m back
Bruh he was so close to my base holy crap SPOOKY.. glad my nether portal is kinda hidden
You should be allowed to steal from them