Minecraft Mob Guess Who 8

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#shorts #funny #minecraft #memes
This is Minecraft Guess the Mob a game where me and my friend try to guess each other’s mob before the other party can guess ours! It is basically regular guess who but in Minecraft and with mobs instead of people. Enjoy the best series on YouTube!


30 thoughts on “Minecraft Mob Guess Who 8”

  1. Fun Fact: Endermen are the only mob that can spawn naturally in all three dimensions.
    Wait, you already knew that? Well did you know they didn't spawn naturally in the Nether until 1.10?

  2. Mobs that don't spawn naturally and how they spawn:
    Silverfish: spawners in strongholds and trial chambers, infested blocks in strongholds, igloo basements, woodland mansions, and mountain biom, and potion of infestation.
    Cave spider: spawners in mineshafts and trial chambers.
    Endermite: occasionally when an ender pearl lands.
    Zoglin: bring a hoglin through a portal and wait.
    Ravagers: start a raid.
    Breeze: trial chambers.
    Snow golem: built. (Rare chance if a carved pumpkin spawns next to snow blocks.)
    Vex: can only be summoned by Vindicator.
    Warden: summoned only if a player is present.
    Mule: breed a horse and a donkey.

    Mobs that only spawn with a structure and don't continue to spawn.
    Villager. *1
    Elder Guardian.
    Vindicator. *2
    Evoker. *2
    Piglin Brute.
    Shulker. *3

    1. Zombie villagers do spawn naturally and can be cured by the player. Villagers also breed as they see necessary.
    2. Also spawn if a player starts a raid.
    3. Rare chance to duplicate if one hits another.

    Honorable mentions.
    Wandering Traders, phantoms, and skeleton horses rely on player proximity separate from normal spawn radius.
    Wither: would you really want that to spawn naturally?
    Command exclusive mobs.
    Zombie horse: the only unused mob with a spawn egg.
    Rare/situational variants: blue axolotl, brown mooshroom, and charged creeper. Former can only be obtained through breeding while the latter two require lightning to strike a natural variant.


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