Escaping the Evolved Cave Dweller…

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sup dudesπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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Video Concept:
Get ready for a spooky Minecraft adventure in β€˜Escaping the Evolved Cave Dweller…’ Explore hidden caves, face β€˜Man from the Fog,’ and dive into a terrifying Minecraft mod. Encounter Herobrine and venture into the world of β€˜Cave Dweller Gargin’ in VR. Join β€˜Night Dweller Minecraft’ for an eerie and unique journey!

————————————————————————————————– join gang gangπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
About Me:
Hey there, I’m Idk Someguy, your go-to source for entertaining Minecraft content! I specialize in crafting hilarious videos with a touch of storytelling magic, bringing you an immersive viewing experience with top-notch sound effects and visuals. My idea vault for Minecraft is extensive, featuring concepts that resonate with fellow YouTubers like Forgelabs, Gargin, and Rekrap. Occasionally, I might sprinkle in some meme-inspired content for an extra dose of fun. Currently, I’m delving into the world of cinematic thrillers in Minecraft, presenting them in a visually captivating way. Join me on this exciting journey!
Outro background:
particle animated background Stock Videos by Vecteezy

#minecraft #idksomeguy #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller


37 thoughts on “Escaping the Evolved Cave Dweller…”

  1. if you put the normal dweller and the evolve one in the cave, you got the animals one, that does not search to kill you 100%, and you get the saddistic one that would love to drink smoothie you flavor.

  2. I see a lot of people saying they should counter shields, but if they ignore your defensive options, have higher mobility, can fit through 1 block gaps, and appear when the player has partial iron armor then we create a losing situation.

    Are you going to walk through the caves knowing you are going to have an near 100% chance of death?

    It will just become a unavoidable Creeper and it will start to be more obnoxious then scary till you start strip mining.

  3. Already the most terrifying Minecraft horror mod. However it’s way too easy to escape by just blocking off a small tunnel or boxing yourself in. I recommend making it so once this thing sees you and starts chasing, your chance of survival is minimal. Heavy damage, disables shields, armor penetration, and even tunneling through blocks. That last bit will make it even more terrifying because it can do something you thought only the player is able to.

  4. I think it will be funny if you are killing them or surviving his chase
    More appears after, not exponentially(like just making mire chace of 2-4)
    But also make that it turns into one again after leaving the caves for a long time


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