Ultimate Village Defence – Minecraft 1.18 Survival | Episode 5

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Join lowresbones as he sets off on another adventure inside the Minecraft Trailer. After a few misfortunes, we’re off to set the record straight and transform a Minecraft village into an epic impenetrable fortress! Lots of building, Redstone traps, and unexpected twists! I hope you enjoy the video.

This is a new Minecraft 1.18 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express how grateful I am for all the support on that video so I’m keeping it going with this mini-series.

The plan is to go back to basics and try to capture the essence of what Minecraft is all about, especially how it’s portrayed in the trailers. I will try to explore every single avenue of the game from adventuring, to Redstone farms, to epic megabases! Join me for this exciting new journey!

Flux Enhanced Add On: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bare-bones-flux-enhanced-addon

Skin by Jamie Wilkinson Cool Cat

All music by me, you can find most of it here:

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2736540
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lowresbones/
Discord: https://discord.gg/8pb5B9f

#minecraft #survival #letsplay


22 thoughts on “Ultimate Village Defence – Minecraft 1.18 Survival | Episode 5”

  1. Hey i like how look your village, and i would like to experiment me to, by the way i think that i'm not the only one that want it, sooo, could you send the download link of your map at the end of your let's play ?!

  2. As always, a great video. And as for the fact that the horse in the armor is not shown correctly, he can make that when put on, the texture of the horse changes, and not that the armor does not fall on the horse. I don't understand it, so I don't know how it works.

  3. I was wondering why you haven’t uploaded in a hit but now I see it’s totally worth the wait, great video!!!!! Also I love this music absolutely dope!!!! My favorite part of the episode was when you did the red stone, it reminded me of what I look like when I try to do red stone lol!

  4. 8:40 wooow, it's like a painting. OH this would look amazing on a metal plate poster D: Such a nice shot. I wish there was more trees around like two more custom trees in the shot on the bottom left at least to draw the eyes from left to right… but otherwise, love this.
    ugh I wish my computer could run shaders without wanting to die, hopefully when I have enough money for a new computer I can use shaders again like I did when I first got this computer lol. Shots like these make my artist brain so jelly that I cant do it too right now haha.
    11:37 Seems about right. I've had a bad one like this before but don't think it was even on a floating island was in the middle of no where above a lava lake. Thank goodness your floating island wasn't a floating island of gravel 😀 one block place would lead to a update of free falling.
    13:00 So…how many villagers end/ended up dying from your traps cause of their AI? XD ohhh guess will find out next time cause of what was said in the ending. hmmm I look forward to it.


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