Minecraft Bedrock's NEXT Featured Server…

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The next featured server for Minecraft Bedrock has been leaked. In this video, I talk about everything we know about the new server. It is probably not what you expect.

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#Minecraft #Hive #Server

0:00 Intro
0:37 Coming Soon
1:20 Server Games/Leaks
2:43 The Server Name/Creators
3:58 Will The Server Be Good?
4:54 What Do Other Creators Think?
6:36 Closing Thoughts


42 thoughts on “Minecraft Bedrock's NEXT Featured Server…”

  1. Great. Nothing that caters to the players but fully stuffs the piggy banks of greedy people. Some things in the game is good but laggy as hell. Even the pass has been leaked but not the gameplay itself now that shows something.

  2. I just found out you were actually correct cos I just logged into Minecraft on PS4 and read the coming soon description and the first thing I saw was welcome to Paradise!

  3. You join the new pixel paradise server and now you're thinking of what to play.

    Islands – 330 minecoins and additional minecoins for extra features
    Spleef – Free but 80% of everything in it costs money
    Resort – May be free but 90% of everything will cost money as well.
    ??? – 1220 Minecoins, additional taxes because yes.
    ??? #2 – Tricks you into thinking it's free but you actually need atleast 300 minecoins to do your first step in it.


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