The Greatest Speedrun In Minecraft History Just Happened

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Watch Zylenox’s run:

Today we will take a look at a new minecraft speedrun world record. In my opinion this is the greatest speedrun in the history of the game.

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33 thoughts on “The Greatest Speedrun In Minecraft History Just Happened”

  1. Hiya Karl! Great video as usual! I know I asked a question like this before, but can you tell me what music you used at 1:45 and 2:49? That last one sounds like Goldeneye music, but when I looked up the OST, I wasn't able to find it. Thanks for your time, and good luck with more vids in the future!

  2. I think the most interesting was that just a few years ago, before the piglin update, getting below the 1 hour mark meant you were good at the game, and even breaking that limit was HUGE

  3. I understand the epicness of something like this, but I think it's hard to say these aren't "tool-assisted" speedruns. I don't know if there needs to be a separate category for these kinds of things, but I hope there is still a category for human-run Minecraft runs that don't rely on any sort of external calculations.

  4. I really like watching these videos even though my method of gameplay is slow and steady. For that matter, I've never even played MineCraft. My favorite game is FFT which I play every year.

  5. The Craziest Fact to me is still to this very Day, that BEDS get thrown at a DRAGON to kill him in a COuple Turns… How the hell is this even a Thing XD Awesome VIdeo


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