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Watch Zylenox’s run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFbXCm4VRyg
Today we will take a look at a new minecraft speedrun world record. In my opinion this is the greatest speedrun in the history of the game.
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I love Minecraft and there's nothing you can do about it. Big thanks to Opera GX. Download Opera GX for free here: https://operagx.gg/KarlJobst
I've been in Hong Kong most of the month. I'll be back home in a few days to make more vids. Hope you are remaining legendary.
Inb4 a year goes by and this run is also somehow cheated
Karl Jobst in 2025 be like "The Speedrun World Record for Minecraft is a LIE"
I'm mentally ready to hear it was faked in a couple months
I think tbh that these kind of speedruns is sort of cheating, with using a calculator to find a stronghold.
I guess in a few years we see a karl jobst video of why this was faked 😂😅
Waiting room for Zylenox to get exposed for cheating his run
>abusing render distance
Pick one
Hiya Karl! Great video as usual! I know I asked a question like this before, but can you tell me what music you used at 1:45 and 2:49? That last one sounds like Goldeneye music, but when I looked up the OST, I wasn't able to find it. Thanks for your time, and good luck with more vids in the future!
cheating is still allowed tho
eventuate for the win..
great word kj!
Got the same bad habit of 300+ tabs.
I'm using Firefox though and got plugins dealing with the memory issue as well as privacy.
looking forward to the video in 6 months explaining how this was cheated. Fuck minecraft speedrunning. I don't trust any of this shit
I think the most interesting was that just a few years ago, before the piglin update, getting below the 1 hour mark meant you were good at the game, and even breaking that limit was HUGE
of course the dudes a furry LUL
Personally I really don’t acknowledge the speed runs that use tools like the calculator to find the fortress. It just seems like cheating to me
Okay but it's Minecraft. How long until we learn he's also a cheater
I mean, no surprise the world record quickly improved since 2020 as in the meantime the community collectively decided that cheating through external calculators is allowed.
oh boy karl, advertising a data harvesting browser controlled by a chinese billionaire? hm.
Homie in the thumbnail look like Hbomberguy
I really hope he isn't a cheater, the luck didn't seem that insane and he just played really well
I understand the epicness of something like this, but I think it's hard to say these aren't "tool-assisted" speedruns. I don't know if there needs to be a separate category for these kinds of things, but I hope there is still a category for human-run Minecraft runs that don't rely on any sort of external calculations.
Zylenox has come so far!!
Personally I don't like these speedruns. It's just accepted cheating or similar to doping. But each to their own. Good video as always Karl btw!
I'm not denying the skills, but using calculators to solve the game will never be a legitimate Speedrun to me
This runner kinda looks like mew2king
This is cheating.
Nerd Alert!
I really like watching these videos even though my method of gameplay is slow and steady. For that matter, I've never even played MineCraft. My favorite game is FFT which I play every year.
What a run!
thanks opera gx for letting me choose to engage w your ad or not, I am more likely to consider your product bc of how your marketing respects me as a consumer.
Karl is just setting this up for a new cheating scandal video in a couple of weeks. 🤣
The Craziest Fact to me is still to this very Day, that BEDS get thrown at a DRAGON to kill him in a COuple Turns… How the hell is this even a Thing XD Awesome VIdeo