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#minecraft #shorts #minecraftmemes
Server is Java & Bedrock 1.21+ We have a connection tutorial on Discord if you need it!📋
Why tf is WOOD not Earth-Bendable when it comes from the EARTH
I'm going to install Minecraft just because of this
So by being owner do you have all bending types unlocked for your account?
What, Wait but the TNT have inside sand and gravel!. Why not, is Earth bendable
Did no one get the squid game joke
Squid game? Reference with glass
I think you should make tnt earthbend cuz you make from sand and there is sandbenders
I like how your honest and also show the ones that don’t bend. Most people would just show the bendable ones
POV:The anvil falls on a player bellow😂😂
In my experience, colored terracotta is unbendable
I could take all the endstone in the end now that i know but it could take a long time
Crimson and warped grass should be bendable
can you use mossy cobble stone to plant bend?
You made a vid about earthbending bedrock
Logs are correct they should be WaterBendable
Evidence is the Swamp scene were that man bends the vines
TNT should be earth bendable, as dynamite is made up of sand and nitroglycerin.
Is Mossy Cobblestone plantbendable?
Day 4 for asking to unban 🙁 user: _V8NINJACENTS790
Why doesn’t it? Why can’t you bend obsidian? It’s just cool lava.
tnt should be earthbenable since it has sand in it if it can't be earthbendable why can glass glass Is just melted sand
Aight now, can you bend over?
You cant erth bend them because there to heavy
It would be cool if mossy blocks were also water bendable, bedause you know, Water Benders bend Plants and moss is plant
Can’t someone just copy the block with that as shown in the video, he earthbends the diamonds block and one gets throw and one get placed down
Wait is deepslate earth bendable
Tnt should bend since it's made with sand
After watching this I know want a video of a master earthbender fighting the enderdragon, or just a lot of earthbenders
TNT is made from sand, so it should be earthbendable.
6 is no earth -bendable
How about tnt minecarts fr
Sand earth bendable gravel earth bendable combind the two and younget tnt tntnshouldnbe earth bendable
Fact did you know reinforce deepslate is the strongest mine block because bedrock doesn't count is because it is Unbreakable but reinforce deepslate is stronger then obsidian and also breakable
Obsidian should be earth bendable, because the fact that it is volcanic glass
why not tnt
Tnt should be sand bendable
Obsidian is hardened lava
Imagine if you needed a fire and water bender to move obsidian 💀
My idea what what is each block or special effects like water
I thought tnt had sand in it
You should add an ability with fire bending where if they use it on tnt it floats up with fire particles under it and then it gets thrown like the earth bending in this vid and when it touches a block or player it explodes
Make every single block Earth bendable
The anvil opens the opportunity for Looney tunes style kills
You should make one called hell bending😊
How do i change into an earthbender in ur server i cant
So thats what hit me and killed me