All minecraft name tag Easter eggs! December 16, 2020 by Minebob Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ Ik most of u already know it #story #short #Minecraft #MCPE #music #nametag #eastereggs source
sees the nametag Jhonny
Me: here's jhonny
I bet no one knew about this
How did you made the rainbow sheep
MoD naMe pLes
ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CALL 911!!NOW!!!!!
Aww that's cute 😍
Im not lying i knew all of these easter eggs
Sorry its not working for me
But no one is talking about the music is about TeTris
Plot twist : every one knew that
You missed killerbunny
Whete is jelly?
How about Garfield?
U forgot KillerBunny
tetris intensifies
This is a modedd minecraft not the original
You missed a bunch.
Are u sure it's an Easter egg or it's just a mod I'm so confused
Who here plays on Java, dislike if on Java
Fun fact:These easter eggs actually has a meaning!
Just realized you named him Jhonny from the shining
Cursed names
You forgot one
Y u using pe edition lamo
The jhonny one does not work
Pretty sure we all knew this
Good job
How to ruin Tetris
It doesn’t work for me
HERES JONNY!!!!!!lol
You forgot Niki on the horse it gives it a new skin
Loll he clipped in
Thank you for not making a cringe TikTok minecraft lifehack.
P o k e t E d I t I o n
Johnny johnny yes papa
Every one knowes this
Johnny Sins… now Sins!
U forgot the killer bunny
i didn’t know the jhonny one