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Throughout the past 2 years, the question of who is the best minecraft player, or who is the best minecrafter has become far more common. But it is a popularity contest rather than a skill based analysis, and many aspects of minecraft are not included. So who really is the best minecraft player?
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Other Minecraft Videos:
1. Minecraft Funny Moments – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIK5VFADlzEwk8OdOg2IvHaILDZWVlSV0
2. Serious Minecraft Videos – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIK5VFADlzExItOSrmNiEP5v7s6pxpIiR
Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Precipe
2. Scott Buckley – Catalyst
3. Scott Buckley – Inbound
4. Scott Buckley – In Dreams
5. C418 – Alpha
So what do you guys think? Am I right or wrong? Be sure to subscribe and leave a comment!
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99.8k almost at 100k well if you hit 100k congrats I'll be late sorry
Tubbo is mabey one of the best since he knows a lot of redstone , he can build and he's a good pvper …I don't think he is the best at any of the categories but he has a good backround of all three of them.
Why isnt mumbo jumbo here
Technoblade made a 6 by 6 piston door
Who are these guys, the real best MC player is obviously shitass
Im not sure if u heard of him, but Finlay is a small youtuber who fits all the categories i a way or another, he is really good at 1.8 pvp as far as i know, his builds are insane, the only thing im not sure about is his redstone. Ph1lza too
Iskal meets all the citeria
Underrated channel
Grian has actually designed lots of redstone this season
why is mumbo jumbo not on the redstone creators top tier
When you talk about building, all you can think of is Hermitcraft because the buildings the hermits create is INSANE
Hey what about philza minecraft?
100k subs soon, gj
Minecraft music section?
99.9K subs you are so close
congrats on reaching 100k
why is there no game progression in the list its literally one of the most important and its the point of the game
Maybe fruitberries I don’t know his building or redstone skills though
Maybe philza