MINECRAFT 1.21 ANNOUNCED! Automated Crafting, The Breeze, Mob Vote Winner at Minecraft Live 2023!

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37 thoughts on “MINECRAFT 1.21 ANNOUNCED! Automated Crafting, The Breeze, Mob Vote Winner at Minecraft Live 2023!”

  1. We gettin the copper or tuff golem?

    In the underground trial temple things it's made out of tuff bricks and copper in the minecraft copper golem showcase video it was found underground in a copper room with copper bulb, Like the Redstone lamps

  2. So some update are good like automated crafter and some use of cooper. Is nice this trial mission i can named but that breeze is not something they maked ,the mob itself is from mods but is nice they added something new.
    Not many know but mojang added piston from a mod in past with the same function and horse from another mod who maked different type of horse spawn .
    I think they need to add interesting update like this. I like the idea they lets us to choice the mob vote .
    But i think is a more good choice to lets us to vote for the next theme update they need to created without to let us to select what they created like with mob vote. We will see what they make ,they dont need to show us before they make because it can be disappointing what we chose and ask ourselves what if i voted for X and Y but not Z ,maybe if it was a more good choice . The theme can be biomes,structure ,resources, item( like weapons ,armor etc) or like they want to add a new mob but not show us before they maked what will be .


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