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#Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks, developed by Mojang.
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#PhoenixSC #Creative
Bruh never knew that sticks couldn’t bend
I'm from poland 😉
I can’t be the only person who stared at the thumbnail for 5 seconds trying to figure out what’s wrong
I think u should make the wob shot the player and not the mod or the other player lol
**my dyslexic *ss:
takes a second to notice:
ah ok..
shoulda made the arrows hit yourlelf
Pozdrawiam Polska ")
yeah… that was me XD
Hmmm maybe there is a use
sneak behind someone strangle him to death
mojang should make this work
but sticks CAN bend, that's how a bow works, if the wood was naturally curved, it wouldn't build up nearly enough energy, the stick is curved because the string is short and forces the bow to be in that curved state, thus building up tension (trust me, I took a 3 day class on bows, I know how this stuff works)
Everybody gansta til Wob is real
new snapshot: close range bow added to minecraft
Left handed bow.
Reversed Recipe of bow: Defib bow
brain; he copped slimeci¬
me : shut shut
I don't even know how to craft a bow still..
Technically, in a bow the stick is the ONLY PART that bends. the string has to stay the same length otherwise you wound never get any power
This is sorta how real bows are made, you start with a straight stick and carve it until its got the right bending force, then bend it and put the wire on
grab it in the right way.
where did the outro go
I do that every time
Wait How Do You Craft A Bow I've Been Playing Minecraft For Years And I Forgot How To Craft A Bow
dis quiver
That’s a wob slimecicle made it
It’s facing the wrong direction
PHEONIX! I ACTUALLY CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA LAST WEDNESDAY AND MADE IT 2 DAYS AGO!!! Of course, it wasn’t the same, but it was very similar, and had the same name. I hadn’t even known this was going on until now, and seeing this made me go “I WAS THE ORIGINAL AND NOBODY KNOWS”. Obviously, that may or may not be true, but I think it’s pretty funny I had the same inspiration without knowing this was happening.
I though this was cool and all but its just trash after using it
For some reason that looks like a sword/katana holder at the back…you know those things at the back of ninjas…ykw nvm
Now flip the wob around and you kinda have a slingshot thing
You could also just turn the wob around and shoot the arrow with the string part, instead of shooting with the wooden part
A question:
Can that hit a zombie?
It can't hit a creeper right?
You mean swob
I didn't even realize what was wrong for a second or two
when i saw the thumbnail i forgot how to craft a bow
That sjlit is used to start campfires dude.
Maybe you should made the bow snap once you release the arrow.
Wait if the stick doesn’t bend….
How do you actually craft the bow
3 straight sticks in the crafting table
Me: sees Wob
My mind: turn it backwards
0:47 i bet it hits yourself xD
Im from Poland
please make iron, gold and diamond bows
0:42 aaaaawwwww maaaaan
I always try to craft a bow like that