When you accidentally craft a Bow like this in Minecraft

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50 thoughts on “When you accidentally craft a Bow like this in Minecraft”

  1. but sticks CAN bend, that's how a bow works, if the wood was naturally curved, it wouldn't build up nearly enough energy, the stick is curved because the string is short and forces the bow to be in that curved state, thus building up tension (trust me, I took a 3 day class on bows, I know how this stuff works)

  2. PHEONIX! I ACTUALLY CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA LAST WEDNESDAY AND MADE IT 2 DAYS AGO!!! Of course, it wasn’t the same, but it was very similar, and had the same name. I hadn’t even known this was going on until now, and seeing this made me go “I WAS THE ORIGINAL AND NOBODY KNOWS”. Obviously, that may or may not be true, but I think it’s pretty funny I had the same inspiration without knowing this was happening.


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