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Minecraft YouTubers react to the worlds most terrifying spiders in Minecraft, and the person who screams the most has to do something embarrassing!
This video was a big effort and would not have been possible without the help of various different people throughout the last few months.
• Smelly (Development) • Endergy & I (Spiders) • LowResBones (Replay Capture) • Hecco (Overlay Art) • JWX_ (Chicken Suit)
Minecraft, but I made spiders terrifying. If you enjoyed this video, check out I made Minecraft Ocean’s terrifying!
no "giant enemy spider" jokes were made on this day
I am mildly disappointed in the comments
Idea:can you add a boss that can crash your minecraft in after his 10 attacks and name it the crasher
man why mojang dont hire u, i mean man u do a bunch of funny and amazing mobs that i get hardly sad when i see that the real minecraft is getting boring and getting an little update with so few things, like we were waiting a year for an update that we even know what is, and bro they could easily add all the mob vote mobs
You're mom
I would like to introduce my own mob but I cant
They're cute tbh.
they need to make you and your modding friends actual developers.
like.. this is what the game needs

Hi, is originrealms available on mobile devices.
make 5 more pls
Systemzee make jean jacket from nope
make the end terrifying shout uot pls
If you would, could you make a mod that adds in eastern dragons(long body, no wings(but can still fly), whuskers, etc, you know the ones lol)? there are so many good dragon mods that add in dragons and wyverns and drakes and even amphitheres but NONE of them have added in an eastern dragon! And this is a travesty!
I love spiders
I love how he didn’t show that he teleported rekrap and others I assume into the spiders mouth
what minecraft is this
sytemzee i think it would be so cool if hermitcraft 10 cuold happen on origin realms
SystemZee post the mods online please
This is a mod right? Can i download it?
5:04 Dude just accepted his fate lmao
Do you have a course or something? I am eager to learn this.
I rate the 3rd spider 100/10 Plz pin me i like the 3rd spider
I literally got a Chick-fil-A add after you said the worlds biggest chicken
Is your server craked?