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There are tons of ways to die in Minecraft, each with a unique death message. But of all the death messages in Minecraft, which is the longest. Today we explore the weird ways to extend death messages; from switching languages to using Tamil and Arabic characters. I’ll also briefly look at some illegal death messages that can’t appear but are actually coded into Minecraft. I hope you enjoy!
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➤➤ Music Used:
Jake Chudnow – Moon Men
Maicol Nait – Outsider
➤➤Credit: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Death_messages
1. Tamil is not the longest langauge (at least I don't think so) I meant the one that I noticed made longer words in the death message
2. You can use resource packs and mods to make custom formats for death messages, in theory making them longer.
3. Sickfies sounds strange yes
Manamana coocoo little bottle cooocoo
Never thought u would post with title being a “TAMIL” Thank u man
minecraft vsauce
i am tamilan
from tamilnadu
I love these types of vids I love to learn about these types of things
Babababbapoownaoooqnqhooonqqooo that's ur intro
I have school in 4 minutes………
my mans really choose ﷽ , niiiice
ItzKemy is Great!➡https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJe7NoS6yXsdsHZUfffoN4w?view_as=subscriber
what about that time i was on a mountain, half in water and randomly died. in creative
Remember when 1 question videos were 50 seconds long and not dragged out to an entire documentary for monenitization
1:46 I no longer want my dreadful work with the help of, f u n d a i l y p a y . c o m
You know, I'm so bad at Minecraft that I've heard this message once or twice while playing a survival world:
<player> hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape trader llama
Fun fact:the arabic charcter means(in the name of god)
i'm not arabic btw
i am arabic and that word that u siad it was the longest it was not
4:40 Pronounced "bassam"
Iam tamil
I want to say this this is the mother of all language தமிழ் from India tamil nadu we are feeling so proud and grateful to you
Me 1 minute In The video it’s “Example tried to swim in lava whilst trying to escape from Example”
5:15 Pronounced "bassam Allah al-ramen al-raheem" meaning of In the name of God the Merciful
4:56 as an Arabic speaker I’m just gonna say that these are 3 separate litters which is pronounced like “bsm” and it means “by the name of” and the “ِ” underneath the first litter from the right (yes Arabic starts from right to left) is pronounced like a small “E” and it’s called “harakh” the second tiny symbol is literally nothing interesting lmao and the “ِ” is on the end again.
The more you know 😉
The limit is actually 32,767 characters because it's a signed 16-bit integer
I did not know about this, I did not want to hear about this. Somewhere out there, a perfectly intelligent man is wasting his time and skill on a block game.
Please make more.
hey, actually chinese bracket is longer as one character
I was really confused seeing my native language in the thumbnail of a Minecraft video but seems pretty cool. Didn't realize how wonky Tamil looks in Minecraft though LOL
P.S. It's pronounced Thah-mill, not – Taa-mill 😀
shortest dead message: you dead
When you're trying to reach the page criteria in your essay
ah yes vsauce music
Anyone know Tamil language??(ik)
That moment when you actually speak Tamil.
Please spell it like this 🙂
I remember seeing the ‘doomed to fall’ death messages in the old Minecraft console edition days. The last two doomed to fall death messages would occur after a player would be killed by fall damage after being damaged by a player or entity (obviously) and then the first death message would occur if a player was damaged by another source (such as cacti, fire, or subsequent fall damage) and then was killed by fall damage. These death messages were quite common in the battle mini games, especially for me as I used to have a hard time actually looking where I was going while fighting.
Can't believe it's in my mother language
I live in Kerala neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu
Let me say sth
You've seen the vid by 3klicksphillip
In certain versions you can give yourself whatevrr name you want by changeing a file in .minecraft, though you can't play on multiplayer
i am a tamilan
"Sounds like a Funny video"
I know what you mean and I'm glad that you watch it too!
1:54 what was that bow??
use w, its the widest letter
would be a full username
yay my launguage tamil is here!