you should use A sword instead of in diamond acts because In the ax might be dealing more damage but sword attack faster It's a better weapon than ax fighting a monster
Theory: if the mimics are copying Rage and Dark (players) and it can also copy entities like Villager mimic. Maybe soon the mimic will copy other entities.
2nd theory: Rage and dark's mimic are working together like Rage and dark. If rage and dark pretend to be fighting the mimic will fight too.
Rage at 1:08:28 while dark is saying we can build a multi storey house i heard the mimic saying i have to show you something i don't know who mimic is it but i heard it
Get nether right
Range i saw herobrine at the top 26:25
25:08 we heard your mimic
who else got jumpscare at 56:15

Bring action back,bring action back,bring action back
omg Rage you really cant hear you hear different things from the video.
You guys should fight the mimics then run
NO ONE TALKING ABT THE Blazes at 18:05?
rage can go back it pls i want
can come back
to see you home
Rage, I have a theory, everytime you use the camera, the more the activity will happen.
Rage, I have a theory, everytime you use the camera, the more the activity will happen.
I saw herobrine at 26:26
Step one get powered five bow
I lilke the Vid im a fan
Gun mod
Get a gun mod you can shoot
i think my eyes are making me crazy but just in case check 26:26
Bro rage I just saw craftbirdie is videos u and dark are soooo behind bro these videos u are uploading are from last 2 weeks……
Team bring more FRIENDS!!

you should use A sword instead of in diamond acts because In the ax might be dealing more damage but sword attack faster It's a better weapon than ax fighting a monster
How is there a tree in the desert? 37:35
We r hearing different things from rage…We r hearing "hey it's dark"
Hey rage and dark u made two videos with craftabirdie and u did not posted this on your Rageelixir mincraft) chanel why? Pls post those videos!
I leaked it from:::::::CRAFTABIRDIE
2:10 – 2:31 villager Jumping…
rage maybe a scary goatman should visit the world
rage you need to put a trap for the base
1:06:18 bro dark said what now???!!!
Dark really said the d word in 1:06:19
Theory: if the mimics are copying Rage and Dark (players) and it can also copy entities like Villager mimic. Maybe soon the mimic will copy other entities.
2nd theory: Rage and dark's mimic are working together like Rage and dark. If rage and dark pretend to be fighting the mimic will fight too.
What is the seed
I like the way dark talk.
Wow w
Bro I hate 2 block ceilings
Rage at 1:08:28 while dark is saying we can build a multi storey house
i heard the mimic saying i have to show you something i don't know who mimic is it but i heard it
I saw Herobrine