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In this video I show the skills (powers) of minecraft mobs like axolotl (new mob from update 1.17) that can regenerate your life and also other mobs like illusioner (secret mob), evoker and bosses.
⦿ Important informations
This video and thumbnail were entirely recorded and edited by me.
-The songs used in this video are from the YouTube Audio Library (Free Use)
-Version: 1.16 and 1.17 (Caves and cliffs Update)
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Ah yes the evoker has magical powers
Why there is finnish language text in video Name. Ps im from finland
Iron golem: YEET
Shulker: tracking missiles
Llama: spit
Ender dragon: Dragon breath and super YEET
Wither skeleton: wither effect
Wither boss: shoots wither skulls and does wither effect
Blaze: shoots small fire charge
Ghast: shoots big fire charge
Vex: fly through blocks
Evoker: summons vex and crocodile heads from the ground
Wandering trader: invisibility potion
Witch: random potions go!
Ravager/illager beast: Roar and knockback
Enderman: teleports
Spider: climbs blocks
Cave spider: does poison effect and climbs blocks
Illusioner: clones and shoots arrows
Husk: can survive in day/night and does hunger effect
Parrots: DANCE!
Creeper: BOOM
Guardian: shoots lazers
Elder guardian: shoots lazers and does mining fatigue effect
Drowned: can breathe underwater
Charged creeper: SUPER BOOM!
Notch and Mojang: create and develop minecraft
I hope this is helpful (:
can anyone tell me where i can get this shader mod
Steve in creative mode: destroy any thing and kill mod with 1 seconds
Era pra ter o Iceolager da família illager muito maneiro que lançava ilhas de gelo na gente,mais os retardados votaram na lula sem graça que e só um mod pack que vc faz em 1 hora!!!😡👿
Plz give game link in description
No ablen en español
When i spawn a wither for the first time i was like oh oh AHHH MY HOUSE NOHOHO
Shaders is more better
The axolotl is cute
Please remove bad ads
The guardian looks like covid-19😂
,shader link plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I think that how many heads wither have🤣
Axolotl power being cute
Axe better than sword
0:35 this is not his sound
This is sound of age of emparers
The shader is cool
if the sun got turned into a guardian:
the sun is a deadly lazer
The guardian laser is like laser the d#vk
lol at 5:38 i would switch to creative and fly and kill the wither so i dont die and lose my lvl lmao🙌😂
please make transformers and their ablities
an axolotl only has 7 hearts but this shows 10
I need this texture pack
Judul bahasa Indonesia aksinya Inggris
How to spawn it?
Awesome music
In the mcpe the wither skeleton can fly like a hacker in animation and the wither can spawn wither skeleton
What is this texturepack? And what shaders you use!
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