Minecraft: Mobs and their Powers (2021)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

In this video I show the skills (powers) of minecraft mobs like axolotl (new mob from update 1.17) that can regenerate your life and also other mobs like illusioner (secret mob), evoker and bosses.

⦿ Important informations
This video and thumbnail were entirely recorded and edited by me.
-The songs used in this video are from the YouTube Audio Library (Free Use)
-Version: 1.16 and 1.17 (Caves and cliffs Update)

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37 thoughts on “Minecraft: Mobs and their Powers (2021)”

  1. Iron golem: YEET
    Shulker: tracking missiles
    Llama: spit
    Ender dragon: Dragon breath and super YEET
    Wither skeleton: wither effect
    Wither boss: shoots wither skulls and does wither effect
    Blaze: shoots small fire charge
    Ghast: shoots big fire charge
    Vex: fly through blocks
    Evoker: summons vex and crocodile heads from the ground
    Wandering trader: invisibility potion
    Witch: random potions go!
    Ravager/illager beast: Roar and knockback
    Enderman: teleports
    Spider: climbs blocks
    Cave spider: does poison effect and climbs blocks
    Illusioner: clones and shoots arrows
    Husk: can survive in day/night and does hunger effect
    Parrots: DANCE!
    Creeper: BOOM
    Guardian: shoots lazers
    Elder guardian: shoots lazers and does mining fatigue effect
    Drowned: can breathe underwater
    Charged creeper: SUPER BOOM!
    Notch and Mojang: create and develop minecraft
    I hope this is helpful (:


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