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#Shorts #Minecraft #MinecraftFacts #MinecraftIdeas
minecraft, fact, facts, useless, ideas, hacks, tutorial, funny, cave update, 1.17, cave, snapshot, axolotl, evoker, pillager
Evoker turns blue sheep red:
Me: wolololo
Is he German
The fish fact was useful
The evoker autobalanced the sheep
How do you name the animals
Btw what’s name tag to put on sheep to make it rainbow
We not gonna talk about the sheep and evoker hmmmm nevermind.
You used to be able to put shulker boxes inside each other making and infinite storage system
That chicken was out!
Fun fact : rabbits size was like 1 block of Minecraft in 1.8.9
Yesterday I was just exploring and messing around In Minecraft version 1.8.9 then I suddenly saw a rabbit and I was shocked after seeing his size
Me: hears that you can’t put a shulker box in a shulker box Bish
I do that like 8 times a week so no complaining
Ghostbur is punching the air rn
You can on Xbox, phone, and tablet!
The reason why u can name a rabbit toast to change its colors couse notch's friend or cousins pet rabbit TOAST died in real life
Evolker a blood
I’m curious now. Which fish is the most rare (if there is one)
Imagine making an infinite loop of shulkers
If your wondering why a rabbit’s color changes after its named “Toast” Its because of someones rabbit who passed away and there name was toast 🙂
He called the rabbits pigment a change of race
The reason you can’t put shipper in shucker is because the you’d have infinite storage
In bedrock edition you can put shulker inside a shulker
Toast is a rabbit of a Player that had a strong bond but toast died one day…
I like how as soon as he renames the rabbit, the chicken runs away.
The Toast rabbit one isn’t useless, it’s in memory of someone lost Bunny.
if u can put shulker boxes in shulker boxes hide one in a nother one do that again for a few more mins ur secret book u wrote is safe
Is no one gonna say that there is only 24 tropical fish in minecraft but there is 3000+ in real life