Running from custom Foxes in Minecraft…

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Running from custom Foxes in Minecraft.

Recently, I modified the code of the Fox in Minecraft in order to make it completely crazy and insane. It makes the game hilarious, but also turns it into an incredibly hard nightmare to survive!

Therefore, I decided to surprise my friends with this Minecraft mod, and faced them against this interesting challenge. Can they speedrun and beat the game this way before Fundy’s family overruns us?

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20 thoughts on “Running from custom Foxes in Minecraft…”

  1. I don't comment much, but I've been a fan of your mods for at least 6 months now. Maybe a year. I'm not good with time. But, just so you know, you're gonna be the next big thing. Seriously, your content's amazingly interesting. Keep it up, PLEASE UPLOAD MORE (if possible), and you're gonna grow. I'm just already a huge fan!! Anyways, have a good day!!

  2. I feel like I could survive this with some trial and error. Props to their idea of building their fort in the sky because it can't spread on air. you could also make paths out of path blocks/other partial blocks that they can't grow on, and I think you can clear the bushes with water buckets. It makes me want to try! DL link where?

  3. 1:24 “Why are there villagers just dumping around that’s even the mod, what the hell.”

    Near the end of each Minecraft day, all villagers in a village (except for babies and nitwits) will gather in the center of the village, specifically where you’ll find a bell, and talk and gossip to each other.

    This message was brought to you by a Minecraft nerd.


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