The Hero of the Village Has Fallen… Afterlife Modded Minecraft SMP Ep. 2

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

GeminiTay plays modded minecraft on Afterlife! The SMP that uses the origins mod to roll a random trait whenever you die. You only have 10 lives, so its very important we stay safe! I am a villager, and in this episode we transform the village!

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Recorded with Replaymod and OBS
Minecraft version 1.18.1
Optifine 1.18.1
Shaders: BSL


41 thoughts on “The Hero of the Village Has Fallen… Afterlife Modded Minecraft SMP Ep. 2”

  1. To be super clear, I ASKED SCOTT TO COME KILL ME!!! Please be nice in the comments, we are real people, having fun. I loved being a villager, but the point of this series is to swap origins! I can't wait to show you all my next origin!

  2. You should add a gradient at the roof of your village like at the pink layer of pumpkins add granite and at the green layer add moss or some thing that looks
    Like it so you can reduce the line that the pumpkins make ❤️❤️❤️

  3. why did scot kill you he put a curse that can switch places with people and when he is falling in the code he can switch with you and also he can and can jump really high

  4. I really adore how the point that it's all in fun, all friends, is being made clear and upfront so early as mischief happens. Thank you for doing so, while having fun with your origins!

  5. Imagine gem becomes a pillager in the next episode. And all of the trouble of people going to see gem in her village but find out she can't be there anymore. And maybe Scott would regret what he did and apologize to gem. Won't that be sad.

  6. Gem, I love this part of your series so far. Although I enjoy seeing the dynamic interactions between you and the others on the server, I would love to see what you could do on a solo series with this mod pac. Cheers!


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