TOP 4 WORKING OP DUPLICATION GLITCHES in 1.18 Minecraft Bedrock | for PS4/XBox/PC/MCPE | by James

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This 4 Minecraft Bedrock 1.18 Duplication Glitches are the Best currently WORKING!
INCLUDING All Item DUPLICATION Glitch, 1.18 Piston Duplication, Infinite Emeralds for Minecraft Bedrock and GRAVITY BLOCK DUPLICATION GLITCH!

TOP 4 WORKING OP DUPLICATION GLITCHES in 1.18 Minecraft Bedrock | for PS4/XBox/PC/MCPE | by James

If you wanna know how to duplicate items in minecraft bedrock edition for the 1.18 version, this is the best video for ya! In additon to this, the all item duplication glitch minecraft bedrock is a pretty good diamond farm as well, so if you are searching for a minecraft bedrock diamond farm, this is the way to go! It will give you a fully working diamond farm bedrock edition for the version 1.18, very simple. The all item minecraft bedrock 1.18 duplication glitch also is the best one, that’s currently availabe!
Btw, these one work on 1.18, however, this video was recorded during 1.18.12, so some of these 1.18 duplication glitches might get patched!
The piston dupication glitch, the method how to get infinite emeralds in minecraft and the methods how to duplicate items in minecraft bedrock edition, especially for gravity blocks do work on servers, minecraft bedrock realms and multiplayer worlds too, of course in a normal singeplayer minecraft survival world either!
We hope you enjoy the video!
by James

This tutorial is for all devices of Minecraft Bedrock, including minecraft ps4, minecraft xbox and minecraft mcpe!

0:00 Intro
0:10 Piston Duplication Glitch
2:35 All Item Duplication Glitch
5:34 Gravity Block Duplication Glitch
10:20 Infinite Emeralds Duplication Glitch
11:48 Outro


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What this video is about:

minecraft duplication glitch, minecraft bedrock duplication glitch, minecraft 1.18 duplication glitch, minecraft diamond farm, minecraft bedrock diamond farm, minecraft 1.18 diamond farm, how to make a diamond farm minecraft bedrock, how to duplicate items in minecraft, 1.18 duplication glitch, new 1.18.12 duplication glitch, minecraft bedrock edition duplication glitch, 1.18 bedrock duplication glitch, duplication glitch 1.18, duplication glitch 1.18 bedrock, duplication glitch bedrock edition, minecraft bedrock diamond farm, minecraft bedrock 1.18 diamond farm, diamond farm minecraft, how to get emeralds minecraft, infinite emeralds minecraft, realms duplication glitch minecraft, working duplication glitch minecraft,


40 thoughts on “TOP 4 WORKING OP DUPLICATION GLITCHES in 1.18 Minecraft Bedrock | for PS4/XBox/PC/MCPE | by James”

  1. I am playing single player on Bedrock (PS4) 1.18.12 Update 2.39 and this doesn't work for me. Tried 5 times with different items, every time my game thumbnail shows the Nether but I'm spawned within 15-20 blocks of my portal in the overworld every time with no inventory. My PS4 takes a few seconds to close the application, so maybe PC users will have better luck.

  2. Was gonna say the nether portal doesn’t work anymore but I gave it another go and now I have 2 iron picks… haha cheers for this one the struggle has been real for me this world…

  3. Nether dupe still works. And its really easy. For me, timing works almost every time when I casually shift click the items into the chest, then right once the nether portal visual waves stop, i alt+f4. works like a charm. Thank you.

  4. You don't actually need the Nether portal to dup all you need to do is time your self somewhere between 15 and 20 seconds the dupe takes place 25 seconds and you most likely lost whatever you where trying to dupe or you could just puch 6 dirt blocks and quickly quit


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