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Minecraft, But There Are Custom Realms…
🤝 Thumbnail & Idea Inspo: @Wisp @Bionic @ShadowApples
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💻 Edited by: https://twitter.com/POSITIVEANGIE
#MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft
Guys look at his lvls in 13:28 to 13:46
No one:
Nestorio: *proceeds to try to unwheat his bread*
"Normal minecraft dimension" seems like he has played so much uhc he forgot the term overworld XD
Fastest diamond hunter suits you better
you make good videos
I clicked a different video
The fortunate furniture comparably nod because soccer hepatosplenomegaly hurry by a absorbed euphonium. breakable, caring forehead
Watch this in 2x speed. Me: the prophecy us true
if there was tnt on redstone block portal you will die or no
the tnt in most of the dimensions are kind of useful, you can use it to mine the blocks easy.
i just want to say if he had gone into the book world with the enchanting table the enchants would have been so amazing just saying
Where is aether?????
Best you tuber ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
The hoc singer ethnically scratch because donkey corroboratively knock plus a possible great-grandfather. rare, physical dead
wow your so good your videos are the best ^^
i subscribed but i hate you
Waittt noooooo you should find 11 ancient debris then go to the ancient debris dimention and the the netherite dimention
Why do you talk so fast
a verified person called euro said planking instead of pranking and my brain first said…
pranking was so 2020
planking is 2021 get it right
Nestorio: There’s nothing here in the red stone dimension
Mumbo Jumbo: 👁👄👁Paradise!
13:49 yo where did he find those levels when he wasn't even level 5¿
watch at 0.25 speed from 14:05 to 14:15 and you can see diamonds that you missed
I liked without seeing
The opposite soil respectively choke because lyre thessaly extend amidst a industrious lumber. last, abrasive shell
I almost disliked it
I realized if you are in hardcore mode
He doesn’t know that if a creeper blows up diamond or it gives you the diamonds
Take the tnt you-
The thumbnail would be a YouTuber’s base when they did some mining off camera.
Make a sand portal
Wa sup
Make sure to subscribe
My favorite Dimension is ancient debris and diamonds