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Hey guys! Here’s 15 new & awesome mods for Minecraft 1.16.4 which where all released over the past week or so. These are for both Forge and Fabric, with the Forge mods at the start (but you can check the timestamps too). These do all work together, as I had them all working together during recording. Although the Bits & Chisels mod will crash if you’re using Optifine with Fabric, so keep that in mind. Check back next week for some more mods, and we’re getting close to 10K subs, so thanks for that 🙂
1: Keep On It (Mar Vei)
2: Tsunami (Jones Meadow)
Shaders: BSL Shaders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders
How to Install Mods: https://youtu.be/9G9Cu08MQSc
Festive Creepers: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/festive-creepers
Bettas: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bettas
Charms: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/charms
Aquatic Additions: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/aquaticadditions
Christmas Spirit: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/christmas-spirit
More Boots: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moreboots
Golden Chorus Fruit: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/golden-chorus-fruit
Door Knocker: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/door-knocker
Save Gear on Death: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/save-gear-on-death
Mechanix: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mechanix
More Tooltips: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-tooltips
Particle Rain: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/particle-rain
Heartbond: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/heartbond-fabric
Crazy Creepers: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/crazy-creepers
Bits & Chisels: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bits-and-chisels
0:00 – Intro
0:26 – Festive Creepers [Forge]
0:54 – Bettas [Forge]
1:31 – Charms [Forge]
2:06 – Aquatic Additions [Forge]
2:52 – Christmas Spirit [Forge]
3:39 – More Boots [Forge]
4:16 – Golden Chorus Fruit [Forge]
4:35 – Door Knocker [Fabric]
4:51 – Save Gear on Death [Fabric]
5:07 – Mechanix [Fabric]
5:34 – More Tooltips [Fabric]
5:49 – Particle Rain [Fabric]
6:11 – Heartbond [Fabric]
6:40 – Crazy Creepers [Fabric]
7:24 – Bitz & Chisels [Fabric]
7:56 – Outro
#minecraft #mods #1.16.4 #forge #fabric
i really loveyour videos and thank you for your hard work
You know what would be SUPER AMAZING? if you put together a modpack for every video like this you made? I want to try them all at the same time!
You should cover the Allomancy Mod, its for 1.16 and its based off a really cool magic system from the Mistborn book series. Check it out!
10 k subs, that's more like it!
Do you review 1.15 mods anymore?
What's up I had to make a new account since I lost my other one
Does 1.16.1 fabric mods work on 1.16.4 ?
Any mods for link Nether portals in forge 1.16.4?
Hi and congratulations on getting 10k subs
What you shaders?
You should do mods that change the game drastically!!!
I need 1.13.2
Wow congratulation your subs grow you really deserved that!!!
what resource pack you use?
,,save gear on death" you can write in chat /gamerule keepinventory true , without this mod and it will be the same
Aquatic features were added in 1.13 not 1.14
NO affence but many of these mods are ones I've seen on the Boodlyneck channel
0:16 sadness noises but I understand
Me and my friends are starting some what of an SMP and we needed some mods. thanks for all you do bro!
Golden chorus fruit are quite interesting…
Hey, can you help me with this thing where forge crashes when i add new mods and where it says i need something called citadel? it happens everytime when i got 1 mod
Sure, you’re not the most popular youtuber, but that won’t stop me from checking your uploads every week 😀
Hello , can you tell me what shader is the one you used in this video please ? It looks gorgeous
It’s seems the door knocking mod uses the 8D door knocking.
I took off my headphones to check.
η συμμορία για τηγανίτα είναι εδώ για να σε παρακολουθεί ενώ κοιμάσαι …
If only we could get some of these in vanilla minecraft
You mean 1.13 not 1.14
omg this list is godly!!!
the particle rain is so nice omg
how you got shaders in fabric ?
7:53 why does that make me feel weird and sick…?
Man, another great mod review channel, minecraft mod reviews are definitely getting resourected
does anyone know of a forge koi fish mod for 1.16.4?
is charms mod work with curios api?
villager #9 when see giant creeper again:ah s*it here we go again
Wasn’t the aquatic update 1.13 not 1.14 you said in the video that aquatic additions expands on the ocean stuff added in 1.14
Thank you for the good video!
Thanks for featuring my mod Door Knocker!
que buenos mods hay en esta lista
1.14 is the Village and pillage update 1.13 is the water update 😑
Can't. Stop. Modding. Minecraft.
"mutant creeper which stands at over 60 blocks high"
villager number 9:
"oh no not again"
Finally someone that talks at a speed that I can understand, because there are a lot of people that talk so fast you don’t know what they’re saying.
does more tooltips also work with other mods?
Oh no! XD
hey bro why don't you have a discord server
Shader name pls