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Memenade Dark Mode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOsM-xMGrGH0RHffLIznrUA/
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Ahem I thought these are Minecraft memes?
This just shows everyone also wants a moobloom
And so do I
Everyone says the moobloom is a reskin. At least the moobloom does something. Y'all voted for a sentient night light.
4:56 this guy just predicted the future
9:36 there also should have been the picture of the creeper behind Mario that says: Mario saying bye bye
0:50 I am on the side of Minecraft, the cave update is the worst.
hello this is great idea
this video is great
I didn't get the first meme of the video
Am I the only one who wants a nether dragon
4:03 Thats not a 6, thats a 8 XD
intelectual meme:
ad: Make your own website with our program
me an intelectual: brakets could help me better
got a fucking tiktok ad
The results for "most religious game" are in:
Roblox: 24%
Among Us: 49%
Animal Crossing: 30%
Minecraft: 97%
I love democracy.
0:13 stone monster thing
Imagine that we get a hypnosis potion from glow ink.
Most people: F on the keyboard. Me, an intellectual: SOMEONE GET ME A PIANO!!!!!
me: it's gonna be a wither isn't it
me 2 seconds later: yep
The ex meme was not right button can control all these but not observer
5:28 number 4 (from left to right)
Alternative title: Minecraft mob vote memes.
Is It Just Me Or Should Mojang Add A Enchantment That Increase XP Drop?
3:27 it’s true I can turn anyone on