If your still new and want the get netherite the best way to do so is use beds in the nether while blockimg you feet since beds explodes in the nether and is much cheaper than tnt
If your starting a new hardcore world it's best to quickly find a village punch the Iron golem and just run towards it since doing so will give you a regeneration 100
Tips: don't watch too many video about tips for beginner, especially from a youtuber that are a speedrunner. Those tips can change the way u look/play the game, yet make it easier for u to feel bored. Better play be yourself
Fun Fact: If you throw all your diamond tools into the lava pool, they will pop out as netherite (that’s a bug that let you get netherite tools fast, same works with armor)
Not only creeper you can reduce the damage of all damage mostly you only need to place 2 blocks which can block most of the attacks like zombie or melee attacks and arrows
"then hit it away"👎
"Then run away"👍
but if you suffer with lag/low fps decrease simulation distance to reduce lag and increase fps
Camman made me think this is satire
i appreciate people like you actually guiding newcomers to things they're unfamiliar with
People complain on bedrock for spawning mobs randmomly i will send them this video
So having the sim distance at 4 is the reason why I'm always getting jumped-
Will increasing simulation distance affect the performance on low-power devices?
Why do you have a pp on your chest
NO! First tip play Java edition.
I usually use the creepers like TNT. Just wait for the creeper to stuck in exploding mode and run away
can you please tell me what pack your using
Best tip: play the game yourself, your first Minecraft experience is legendary, don't let anyone shape how you play.
Ya boy bout to explode : creeper
Ive been playing mc for years and had no idea about the first tip. I thought it was based on render distance for how far they can spawn
Another tip for creepers is if you hit it once and walk backwards it wont blow up. Do that 3 times and the creeper will be dead.
More actual useful advice!
If your still new and want the get netherite the best way to do so is use beds in the nether while blockimg you feet since beds explodes in the nether and is much cheaper than tnt
And here are some for veteran players
If your starting a new hardcore world it's best to quickly find a village punch the Iron golem and just run towards it since doing so will give you a regeneration 100
At least bro's not trolling like caman does
Tips: don't watch too many video about tips for beginner, especially from a youtuber that are a speedrunner. Those tips can change the way u look/play the game, yet make it easier for u to feel bored. Better play be yourself
Thanks for helping me i just downloaded minecraft thx
I didn't expect actual tips ngl
Fun fact: in bedrock shield are fucking useless when you get armor and mending with protection
Ah yes an actual good video about tips!
An actual advice.
Fun Fact: If you throw all your diamond tools into the lava pool, they will pop out as netherite (that’s a bug that let you get netherite tools fast, same works with armor)
Most people give fake advice to make beginners keep on getting unlucky but you gave good advice finally
Peaceful Players: What's Mob?
Not only creeper you can reduce the damage of all damage mostly you only need to place 2 blocks which can block most of the attacks like zombie or melee attacks and arrows
I went caving with the lowest setting, i said "For god's sake, how many suicide bombers are in these caves? "
my device is mid-low, i cant play minecraft with 6 chunks or above…