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This shulker box stores MILLIONS of items in minecraft hardcore!
Get the Brawl Stars Toys on Amazon here, or find them in your local toy store https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/page/1C9E229D-6F7C-4095-B0C4-4CA2366D8630
This is the episode 37 of my 1.19 minecraft hardcore series! Today I made a shulker box out of shulker boxes that can store over 7 million items all in hardcore minecraft!
Watch from the start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CplCUyiI3c&list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5qTks7ziukaGsjckRnROGV
FOLLOW ME: https://solo.to/lockdownlife
This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod. Instead of being Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod, this series is similar to a Minecraft challenge video but it is Minecraft Hardcore! This is just like my 100 days videos but better!
Shulker farm – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2MXTGPycGs
Wood farm – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoWb8JmMLhw
#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft
Get the Brawl Stars Toys on Amazon here, or find them in your local toy store https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/page/1C9E229D-6F7C-4095-B0C4-4CA2366D8630 Thanks for watching guys! More videos coming soon 🙂
You had to of started that in creative there is no way you got 21 stacks of beacons
Why if i hear him i think of Gordon Ramsey lol
Shulkar chests?
so the logo should be a jail cell cause its LOCKDOWN life
You should copy your world every video so if you die you have a copy
For saying something and I don’t like
man sayed shulker chest
A minecraft player who goes to the gym. What an Alfa male 😂
BTW if earth turned flat the gravity will be low then all people and thing and houses will go to space
If you didnt know chests are not a full block so the shulker cannot teleport onto the chest and double chests
Every time you die in minecraft the previous soul is still there in the nether and collected by a ghast but you dont see that and the soul cannot controll that and the soul can only controll the feeling of a ghast and the soul feels sad so the ghast is crying so thats why i only kill ghast when needed so i make cobblestone houses that are very big for the ghasts
Your the best YouTuber!
A solar system full of round planets … and a flat Earth. That was great. Not sure it that was meant as sarcasm or not, but I loved it anyway.
Lol u forgot fireworks shulker
u can use full bright texture pack so u can see in the dark
Pro builder
It's so funny giant white cube why is a gast the giant White cube
Giant white cube
Sub to lockdown
this is actually just
I built a Shulker farm in Hardcore
I think u spend most of the video making a farm
a farm to make a farm omg
I like how u use farms to make farms
0:30 hmm yes shulker chest
my dad has brawl stars on his phone i play it
🤩 wow
Probably won’t see this but you should make a one block series
0:31 2 shulker shells and one shulker che- WHAT, WTF IS A SHULKER CHEST
12:06 Soul SAND, not soul soil
Can you do a vast do with wenzo?
Lockdownlife the new Minecraft update is called the trails and tails update!
26:30 this moment touched me, the way he spoke his words made me shred a tear.
just so evrybody knows there is no unlockdeath channel
:O another amazing video…as always! 😀
bro sponsored brawl stars 💀
You taught me how to play Minecraft and btw good job on 1m subs