1. The wall(15 intances of mc) isnt required to get a wr, u can still get wr with a single instance, the wall just makes it so much less painful u have no idea how hard is it to find an optimal seed 2. Calculator thing is gonna make much more sense if u actually did research and understood why it was allowed, long story short of why it was allowed: Even with calculator being banned for a while, people found a loophole that doesnt require calculator and just requires the math knowledge of a toddler and at that point not allowing calculator just didnt make sense cuz we could already do what calculators did so for convienence reasons it was unbanned 3. Speedrunning world record should be something thats very hard to get otherwise it just wouldnt mean a lot to get a wr if everyone can get it easily 4. It is not pre-determined coordinates of the buried treasure there is a legal and vanilla way to find a chunk with a chest, and in a treasure chest chunk the chest always spawns in the center of the chunk, thats how he is able to find the chest without a map 5. The calculator dont show the coordinates of the portal room it shows the coordinates of the starter staircase of the stronghold Lastly let me just say this(had to caps lock cuz people be lazy and only read big letters i guess) DONT ATTACK OR DISRESPECT SOMETHING JUST CUZ U DONT UNDERSTAND IT, A LOT OF PEOPLE WORKED SO HARD TO CREATE STRATS AND LITTLE TIME SAVES THAT U CANT EVEN COMPREHEND AND PUT ATLEAST A TINY AMOUNT OF RESEARCH INTO UR VIDEOS BEFORE SH1TTING OUT SOME BULLSH1T
And now in bedrock You can just have a Stronghold seed And strongholds are always in Villages if you're lucky you can steal all beds Trade clay sticks For emeralds to trade for Dimonds enchanted or not, then predict the stronghold location and be luckier to find all 12 end eyes or steal blacksmiths obison. If you tell someone from java Before 2020 they might freak out.
you kinda lied the eyes of ender point to the starter stair case inside the stronghold. the calculator helps you find the starter stair case not the portal room directly.
releasing an smp at 100 members
It's not a joke, it's now like other games' any% speedruns. The old one was more of a joke.
AI raises skill issue problems everyday
So previously they had to rely on luck and now they have crazy cool techniques? Why is that bad? Why should speedrunning be a dice roll?
"Hey John whats the status of the spaceship?"
Approx. 0 bitches is this mans life
Sounds like a standard tool assisted speed run. Just need to change the categories, and it's legit for a tool assist
I hate how complicated games are now. I miss old Minecraft, especially the Xbox 360 minigames because they had like no sweats at all
1. The wall(15 intances of mc) isnt required to get a wr, u can still get wr with a single instance, the wall just makes it so much less painful u have no idea how hard is it to find an optimal seed
2. Calculator thing is gonna make much more sense if u actually did research and understood why it was allowed, long story short of why it was allowed: Even with calculator being banned for a while, people found a loophole that doesnt require calculator and just requires the math knowledge of a toddler and at that point not allowing calculator just didnt make sense cuz we could already do what calculators did so for convienence reasons it was unbanned
3. Speedrunning world record should be something thats very hard to get otherwise it just wouldnt mean a lot to get a wr if everyone can get it easily
4. It is not pre-determined coordinates of the buried treasure there is a legal and vanilla way to find a chunk with a chest, and in a treasure chest chunk the chest always spawns in the center of the chunk, thats how he is able to find the chest without a map
5. The calculator dont show the coordinates of the portal room it shows the coordinates of the starter staircase of the stronghold
Lastly let me just say this(had to caps lock cuz people be lazy and only read big letters i guess)
"He's already using a NASA supercomputer"
Aliens got no shit on bro💀💀
"Back in 2020"
Man I thought we were still IN 2020 😭😭
Don't forget if you're Dream you can just cheat so
I've always done triangulation to find the stronghold. It's dang efficient, and can be done pretty easily…
it's glitchless, random seed, so it fits the criteria, which means it's legit… but that doesn't feel right
Tell me you don’t go outside without telling me you don’t go outside.
Sounds like you're just mad you can't do basic trigonometry 🤌
it might go to a point where
he calculates the coordinates of the
real time moon itself and then putting it in mc
Bent = Thing 1
thats just tool assisted speedrunning
send me the seed
And now in bedrock You can just have a Stronghold seed And strongholds are always in Villages if you're lucky you can steal all beds Trade clay sticks For emeralds to trade for Dimonds enchanted or not, then predict the stronghold location and be luckier to find all 12 end eyes or steal blacksmiths obison. If you tell someone from java Before 2020 they might freak out.
thats a tas speedrun
Doesn't the calculator make this a tool assisted Speedrun?
and yet optifine is not allowed
Minecraft looks so different now than it did in the past
Like why tf they have acces to this that CNADNR be allowed
Bro that guy has the biggest iq
And the robots are gonna beat us
Everyone: talks facts and seriousness
Me: What the fu-
Ro what
you kinda lied the eyes of ender point to the starter stair case inside the stronghold. the calculator helps you find the starter stair case not the portal room directly.
this guy should see super mario speedrunning if he thinks this level of tech is bad
i agree that it was better back then, but you should stop flaming on doogile
so its tool assisted?
Literally just modded Minecraft