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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualMrUnknown
Instagram: actualmrunknown
Twitch: m.twitch.tv/actualmrunknown
In this video MistaUnknown completes a Minecraft challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft but challenge, Minecraft block speedrun, Minecraft item speedrun, Minecraft world record speedrun, Minecraft world record, Minecraft mob speedrun or something else.
i have to find a block, item, mob, advancement, diamonds, speedrun, survive, in Minecraft
I try to be make funny and informative content, but then again I am not the funniest Minecraft videos out there. I play on minecraft 1.18 on minecraft java, dont ask about minecraft bedrock
#minecraft #mcyt #minecraftspeedrun #mc #speedrun #shorts
Atleast he doesnt put a countdown that doesnt skip when you cut the vid
Okay lets be honest a diamond hoe is one of the worst items in the game.
You speed run my sis
Hello, I love it shorts but I hv a question, how can I get access to this wheel
I did this and I won it in 1:42 I found a blacksmith and got the wood from it and got two diamonds
"Buy it from a villager"
-an actual speedrunner
By the way, if you get extremely Lucky you might spawn near a woodland mansion and there is a chance to find a diamond hoe in one of the chests
You could maybe get it faster by finding a woodland mansion, because there might be a diamond hoe in a chest
How I would do it: load up a world next to a village and a blacksmith, I would break 2 logs from a house and get the rare blacksmith chance of having 2 diamonds, ez
Do know one now that he literally skipped the hole video notice
He speedran my mom
yeah speedrun 7min yes yes
You could also try to spawn next to a blacksmith with diamonds, or the fastest strat, spawn next to a mansion, as for some reason diamond hoes spawn naturally in chests there
I can do it in 10s
It took me 2min for that villager gives hoe on a suprisingly low lvl
You just have To find a woodlandmansion in the chest have diamond hoe
Better way: spawn next to a mansion and loot a chest
The easyest way to get a diamond hoe is mining but the fastest is to find it in mansions
You are speedrunning my friend's mom 😭 how could you
Since im suck at finding diamonds i only made diamod hoe on 13:34 92
Fun fact:there's a chance that in one of a certain specific room within the woodland mansion will have a chest with a diamond hoe inside of it.(I forgot which one I'm saying this from experience)
Finally someone that doesn't scream
If u use the same seed camman did
You could get a better time
Because diamond hoes spawn in mansion chestse
It took me 5.65 min
Use the creepers…
Couldnt you find a woodland mansion or something
U cheated u restarting video