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Minecraft Tinkers Contruct Bedrock now has a free version that adds a new tool tier as well as a whole new way to make tools and weapons! Today we dive into tinkers construct for the first time, check iut what it has to offer, and even do a bit of a beginners guide and into to tinkers construct.
🔨 tinkers construct bedrock https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=6be29d2f-8f6c-4d83-b7d9-35d3672f10c6
⛏️ tinkers construct java https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tinkers-construct
☀️ more feed the beast https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/creator?name=ftb
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Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
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Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5
if you read this comment “crafted”
have you ever played tinkers construct or are you new like me?? should we check out more?!
I got the notification and I almost had a heart attack I thought Minecraft was adding new tools and then I realized it was just a mod lol😅
bedrock players: OMG NEW TOOLS
java players: we've had this for a long time
Hi wattles!
Under 7 min 😮💨
Keep it up your videos are amazing you're my favorite youtuber Respect ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Edit:please reply🙏🙏🙏
Tinkers construct lite feels like a gift, considering it's the most highly expanded add on for free.
Yoo only 400 viesws
Under 15 min gang
It is hapenning boys, soon more famous mods are going to be ported to bedrock.
I wish Botania would be made into an Add-on, then all my mod dreams will have come true
1326 views 19 minutes bro fell off
Under 20 min
Under 30 mins gang
Man this takes me back to Yogscast moonquest days and such ;-;
When taxes were not part of the list of my problems
Wattles i love your vids
Can you craft the guides, I want to add this to my current survival world
Please do this with naturalist
oh boy, so glad I can pay money to get an addon for the shittier version of the game when i can download the mod for free on the better version of the game
I hope they add more to addon from the java mod counterpart, like the bows modifications
Never expected that the things we used to get from mods we are getting them in a update😂
I thought it’s an update😅
That’s a cool way to advertise, have a free light version with basic utility, then the paid full version that expounds on all the bigger features!
If you cut down one of those slime trees does it drop saplings?? Can you just grow a whole forest of slime trees!?
I love how tinkers has a way to make many weapons feel more unique, I swear I could probably make a rpg adventure map with just this
Pin please big fan ❤
Will probably be the first time i pay for a mod
The one thing i remember about tinker contruct is that you could not make the original tools you had to make the tinkers tools instead the original tools in minecraft
So a Slime Launcher but no Slime Boots to cushion your fall? I'm glad to see some of the Java mods are making their way over to Bedrock. Hopefully Create and FTB Ultimine will be next but probably to early to hope for Aposiopesis. One of these days I'll fire up the old PS4 and spend those Minecoins sitting in my PS account.
Under 2 hour gang
bedrock is genuinely the buggiest worst version on minecraft anyone can ever play.
Can you get this on XBOX ????
Sadly they still didn’t update Java version, and I’m starting to think they’re not going to, they probably decided to make people pay and play bedrock, it’s wild that beforehand that would absolutely be against the mojang’s policy, but now it’s ok. (Please note, I’m not saying that they shouldn’t get paid, just that it’s a shame that not everyone can play with this mod)
They need to rework vanilla ores rarity, add more ores and add armors for all the minerals gems and metals found in minecraft. They need to make ores in general rarer than before, like iron specifically and keep copper common. Exceptions for armors are obviously things like coal, redstone, lapis ect. Their literally ignoring a core piece of content to minecraft by not adding more tools and armor.
Im the 6991 person
Holy Hell
They need to make Engines for the tracks that you can ride without powered rails. And add an Iron Ingot and a Chain and you can get a train car, they lock together when they touch eachother and only separate when you break them, aka pick em up. Make the engine expensive so it is hard to get. 1 iron block, 1 Water Bucket (Do not get back bucket) 1 wood block, 1 block of coal 1 Iron ingot, 1 chain
Problem with all this is that you basically HAVE to use the standard MC Texture pack which is low resolution and horrible