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In this video we take a look back at an historic and legendary fake Minecraft speedrun – SpeedRun Legend’s fake 1.16 world record.
Additional footage used from:
Dimeax – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPrFGBRlTNcGkJl5-MXNpBg
Korbanoes – https://www.youtube.com/c/Korbanoes
Couriway – https://www.youtube.com/c/Couriway
Outro prod. NickHitt Beats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkLZ0IxEtnU&ab_channel=NickHittBeats
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/YCF6hDV4Tj
This is the story of a Minecraft player who cheated to get a faked Minecraft speedrun world record. Fake Minecraft speedruns are insane, almost as insane as this description! If you want to see a fake cheated Minecraft 1.16 world record speedrun, this is the video for you!
If you’re able and are interested, support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/theweeklything
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWTchazles
Written by: https://twitter.com/TWTAmtrakAndrew
Download Dragon City and start collecting 100s of Dragons: https://dragoncity.onelink.me/DDHl/TheWeeklyThing
“I am a very FORTUNATE person” being replayed makes me wonder why you only have 100K
“Pulling off an INSANE 7 bed one cycle” got me wheezing LOL
Good vid
That ending with the commentary and triumph music killed me.
I can't tell if the commentator is joking or being seious
when i see speedrun legend get 6 enderpearl in a row
Dies from fake
His voice actually hurts me in more than one way
I think he is a very fortunate person.
11:42 i love how he even starts playing dramatic music lmao
nice dad music in the background 😉
imagine u get a sub 5 or something crazy like that but then u realize ur using a texture pack that gives u a slight advantage
geez, I'm not even a speedrunner but my word I still make shields faster than this.
but hey he said it's difficult to livestream, yeah installing obs and screen capturing is hard. (facepalms)
he is a very fortunate person
… Dragon City? That one dead facebook game from like 10 years ago?…
1:44 "my goal was to get 5 logs"
ends up getting only 4
What a start to the run bahahahahaha
Now in todays sponsor drag- double tap double tap double tap double tap
All right
the saddest thing is this might have been accepted if not for the texture pack. essentially you can completely fake a run if you splice it well
So one time I was just doing a normal world then I just found the stronghold..
Edit:I meant in a cave
TWT: “You need hard evidence to reject a run”
Mynski: cries in 11:01
Bro's luckier than dream
8:57 also, isn't the range of pearls per trade like 2-4? he physically couldn't have gotten 6 in a single trade.
The Dragon City transition is just too SMOOTH !
I mean at least his movement wasn't bad, and he could one cycle the old method better than me
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO rip speedrun legend the legend
I can imagine like the leaderboard moderaters being like… oh god this is definitley faked but its really well edited we can't just reje- oh wait the nether bricks are to dark sorry dude.
This is the STORY OF A GIRL
I wish i had as much subs
Have been watching videos of people covering minecraft youtubers and stuff for quite a while now, but just started playing a couple of days ago. I must say, I find it very relaxing