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Today I Built a Shulker Farm in Minecraft Hardcore! I Built an automatic shulker shell farm in my hardcore minecraft world! WHAT FARM SHOULD I BUILD NEXT?
If you want to build the same shulker farm as me, check out this tutorial:
★ Watch the series from episode 1:
▸Building AUTOMATIC FARMS in Minecraft Hardcore (#52)
▸I Built a SLIME FARM in Minecraft Hardcore… (#49)
▸ Second Channel: https://youtube.com/c/Wad2ee
▸ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/wadzee
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▸ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wadzeeyt/
▸ TikTok: @wadzee
▸ Discord: https://discord.gg/wadzee
▸ Email for business enquiries:
📧 – [email protected]
All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Make 2000 melon layers, and I…. Will see the video, K?
Cyber's world in the outro caught me off guard, insta-vibe
Tip: if you 1 hit a docile mob, they will not attack you
Hey i have a vid idea wadzee you should build a huge bee above your bee farm
Make a mincort andr all of your forms to one place
I miss the old intro song
Can you build like a creeper farm
hey WadZee you should build a lava monuement in the nether! Aka just an ocean monuement haha cheers mate!
"oh no there are so many bees, this might BEE a problem"
This Series turned into Wadzee building farms Shulkercraft was building like a few days before…. and that's kinda sad
Awesome! Thanks for all that effort!
I have a amazing idea. Put your whole entire storage system in a single shulker box by putting shulker boxes in shulker boxes
Can you mack the dragon xp farm it is real
Me who can’t figure out how to walk in normal survival-
-I keep using the arrow keys!
10,600 melons that's alot
u know on the I Transformed the OVERWORLD into the END in Minecraft Hardcore (#43) when your just mining jus do animal facts so i wont be bored for us and u
Do a beacon that is made with beacons
Me having flashbacks when wadzee goes to the how did we get here base😑
You should make a lava farm
#hardcoreidea You should build a another pyramid, but make it sink into the ground as if it was there for thousands of years
Love the video
Also I saw that someone challenged you wadzee
2:56 when Wadzee plays LoL (league of legnends)
You should make a wood farm
Make a witch farm
You should make a beacon beacon
Watch him make a warden farm when deep dark comes out
WadZee should just make a farm for everything, even if it's just silly or pointless. Just every possible farm that could be made in minecraft
Make a beacon made of beacons that is above the neverite beacon
i use a chunkloader and my farm works constantly if i'm in nether or overworld. i use ilmango's minecart chunkloader, but any basic item thrower works also…. assuming you can build it low enough AND in the center of your farm so that the chunkloader only links between itself and doesn't conflict with the farm. I think yours is high enough in the overworld that it should work if you build the chunkloader as far down as possible (in both the overworld and nether)
be prepared for the bottom row or 2 of the shulker's portals to accidentally go to the wrong portal, you may have to move deeper, recalculate the portal distances, or scrap the idea.
Oh can u do a afk ender dragon farm
Where is melons
he did not plant melons what the heck