the EASIEST way to KILL the BEDROCK WITHER! #minecraft

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22 thoughts on “the EASIEST way to KILL the BEDROCK WITHER! #minecraft”

  1. Yeah, that’s possible but I’d rather just equip my fully enchanted netherite armor and tools, get a stack of arrows of instant health, a fully enchanted bow, a strength potion then defeat the wither normally, it’s simple as shooting it until it drops, then drink the potion of strength 2 then attack the wither with the netherite sword until it dies

  2. You actually can just use the end fountain, it just uses a different method (although it can destroy any blocks within a 3x3x3 area of 0, 0 in the overworld, make sure theres nothing important there)

  3. Fun fact, you can summon the wither under the end fountain with minimal setup, place obsidian under it and summon the wither on its side on, I believe, the west side of the fountain. There's a video on it and it's a lot more simple than this.


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