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Can you play Minecraft without crafting anything?
#CallMeKevin #Minecraft #Funny
You absolutely can do a no-crafting run, but you will need to rely on trading and exploration to get all your gear.
Mob farms like skeleton farms would get you all the bows and arrows you'd ever need.
The way he tried to put the book of protection on his pants brings me pain
I like how Kevin was excited to see diamond, not realising he can't craft with it.
Kevin: Burns down an entire rainforest, pillages every village, steals from children
Also Kevin: I deserve a pickaxe for good karma!
Keep these coming man
I'd have quitted gaming when drowning ffs, so frustrating hahaha
Can anyone explain why the Irish use the word "after" in a sentence like "There's more [Illagers] after spawning, they never stop"
And in this episode of Minecraft Kevin is now Terrorizer
Kevin casually getting a god Apple and doesn’t even react to it…
This was fantastic! 😁
Ahhhhh love a nice little game of Mine
Next video: "Can you play MINECRAFT without mining OR crafting!?!?!?"
Kevo's gotcha lil toes.
Can you play Minecraft with using only the inventory bar
Someone has beaten the game without mining and crafting
Kevin! You should do another challenge where you go to the end but you can only use the inventory space given to you. No chests or storing anything else
next episode: Minecraft without the Minecraft. it's actually terraria.
I kinda want to watch Kevin do Minecraft but everything around him start to burn
"Is that Diamond?!" can't wait to see him realize he has no use for it
This ended up feeling very familiar to when Kevin played Don't Starve with RT
Minecraft but you take out the "I", so somebody else who never played it, has to play "Mnecraft" for you and you live tell them what to do.
Man lost 2 golden appels and one enchanted apple and he said "oh i deid sad i lost my treasure map" lol
I love how he has no idea about most of things
I love the Sims music you put behind your videos sometimes; gives even more good feelings with nostalgia. Thanks DJ Kevi, very cool
Minecraft but you start in the nether
Hey Kevin you should make a complete vanilla survival
Why does he want to mine diamonds so much if he can't craft?
"Ooh a saddle the temple owner was OBVIOSULY kinky
2 seconds later: oh iron horse armor maybe he was a little to kinky"😂
Kevin could only make Minecraft videos for years and I'd still be invested in every single one
without crafting ….bones are helpful at least thankfully
We’ll just pretend you got the pressure plate from one of the desert temples haha
Kevin encountering a monster everytime, was equivalent to walking in on someone or being walked in on in a gas station bathroom :')
Me: Always creating organized rooms of stashes and clearing inventory into them so all those precious goodies are safely stored.
Kevin: It's all in his inventory. Oh wait, nope, he died. Nevermind.
Wow that temple loot was actually impressive from a survival perspective
On a mission to get a pick, to get a diamond, which he can't use because he can't craft. You love to see it.