THE CREAKING, PALE OAK, NEW ITEMS, RESIN, + MORE – Everything In Minecraft 1.21.4 (out now)

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The NEW Minecraft Garden Awakens Update is out now!! The much anticipated winter drop update, also known as Minecraft 1.21.4 for java and Minecraft 1.21.50 for bedrock is out today and introduces TONS of new things to Minecraft including a new woodset, resin bricks, the creaking, and more. Today we take a look at EVERY MAJOR UPDATE In the Minecraft Winter Drop Update!

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0:00 new minecraft update out now
0:25 changes and new features
16:26 technical additions
17:25 fixes and other updates

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if you read this comment “pudding”


27 thoughts on “THE CREAKING, PALE OAK, NEW ITEMS, RESIN, + MORE – Everything In Minecraft 1.21.4 (out now)”

  1. Ой, ну и обновление в Майнкрафте! Теперь у дуба скрипучие звуки, новые предметы, смола и многое другое! Видимо, разработчики не зря затянули с обновлением – хотели нас удивить. Надеюсь, это стоило ожидания!

  2. Wow, new items in Minecraft 1.21.4? Can't wait to see what the creaking, pale oak, resin, and more have in store for us! Time to dive back into the world of blocks and adventures. Let's go!

  3. Can't believe they actually went through with this update. This might be the first update the game would have been better off without, the pale garden just makes any area neighboring it hideous, so say goodbye to that awesome castle build on that huge mountain range you found if there's an ugly splotch of gray shit at the mountain's base.

  4. Ngl, I like the idea of the biome, it fits Minecraft’s spirit of adding things to the game that don’t really necessarily change or even matter to gameplay, but if we are now just getting small biome updates, I really rather see biomes made for the nether or caves.

  5. Resin clumps kinda look like shiny coins. You could place them underwater so adding them to a fountain, well, or pond can be a nice addition to a build. Like people have been there tossing coins and making wishes

  6. Now if only they can make an update without your world shrinking. Every time they come out with an update my world gets smaller. Especially where I've been building. I've had to start worlds over because it will be corrupted and find out it happens because it's shrinking the area where I'm building and if I'm building in a village it will corrupt the seed because it has to replace the village buildings to accommodate the shrinking landscape. I wish they could stop that from happening.


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