The Alpha Minecraft Nether Was TERRIFYING! | Evolution Episode 2

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The alpha minecraft nether was unforgiving and terrifying. The ghast spawns are ridiculous, they don’t despawn and are hyper aggressive, and armor is useless! This is alpha version 1.2, aka the Halloween Update, and this is my minecraft evolution series, where I play one Minecraft update at a time!

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I am going to complete everything there is to do in minecraft one update at a time, starting with the very first rendition of alpha all the way to the present day. We will be building all there is to build, exploring the new world changes every update, defeating mobs, and reliving minecraft as if it’s being played for the very first time in 2010. So sit back, enjoy all the twists, turns, ups and downs, subscribe for a potentially endless minecraft experience, and let’s play minecraft as it was intended to be. Welcome to my minecraft evolution series, and the adventure begins now!

0:00 Introduction
0:46 Preparing for the Nether
8:20 The Relentless Pumpkin Journey
11:51 Relaxing Fishing


40 thoughts on “The Alpha Minecraft Nether Was TERRIFYING! | Evolution Episode 2”

  1. You played in 1.2.6, but in 1.2.0, the ghasts weren't fireproof. The sound of ghasts screaming acted as a horrifying hellish ambiance and it was caused by the ghasts burning in lava, which is pretty fitting for a hell dimension. They caused some pretty good scares when it was first released. I really miss that.

  2. This series reminds me of Zisteau's series on going back to old Minecraft versions. I used to watch that as a kid until he inevitably stopped uploading 🙁 good times as a kid.

  3. You might want to combine Beta 1.0 and 1.1 into one video, as Beta 1.0 introduced no new blocks, just made some changes. Although I could debate saying the same with beta 1.1, as that too didn't do a whole lot. The next significant content update was Beta 1.2, which added Birch and Spruce trees (although their saplings were currently unobtainable), coloured wool, lapis and more.

    I'll let you make the decision yourself, but Beta 1.0 alone did not really do a whole lot, and Beta 1.1 only added capes. How do you want to approach this?

    But i must agree, the nether was truly a force to be reckoned with back in its introduction due to the insane spawn rate of ghasts, you would just get bombarded. Nice to see this series is getting continued!

  4. Remember to play the first reupload of Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 and Beta 1.6 Test Build 3. In those versions you could access things like bedrock, end portals and water and lava items.
    (Although I think you'd have to create a new world for Beta 1.6 Test Build 3 for the chests to generate.)

  5. This is a great new video!
    Also, You should put some torches on some wood planks along your paths in the overworld. This will make it less dangerous at night,
    and I love the old gast explosion sound! That should never have changed.

  6. rlly good stuff tbh. ive been walking to the far lands in beta 1.7.3, and ur mushroom thing got my attention since ive been collecting mushrooms as i go

  7. @4:00 if your doing another bit then please ignore, but you can sneak over the farm plot. I think that was the main reason why sneak was even added. I actually didn't even know they got rid of crop trampling from walking, so you maybe be having to sneak over crops for quite a while (like at least to release 1.6.4 you had to sneak on crops as that's around when I stopped updating).

  8. When I first enabled the nether on my 1.2 multiplayer server, wayyy back in 2010, we all jumped into the Nether. The NOISE and explosions from the multiple ghasts was terrifying. IIRC everyone gave it a rest for a day or two before they ventured back in. Even though the overworld was pretty much the same with the tree spawning creeper bug. 😂

  9. Here's a tip not many people know (as far as i'm aware) in alpha/beta versions of the game where you were required to crouch on crops, you could place fences underneath the crops and walk over it completely fine because of the fence hitbox!


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