Why I Quit Minecraft…

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Why I Quit Minecraft.. Let’s talk about it!
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#1.20 #minecraftsmp #minecraftbut #minecraft


40 thoughts on “Why I Quit Minecraft…”

  1. I have enjoyed your time in Minecraft. But, to be totally honest, I could tell that your heart wasn't in it. And, I'm sorry for having said that, but I'm no-nonsense that way. Anyway, you'll do fine, in whatever comes next. I believe that.

  2. I LOVE Minecraft but I completely understand losing interest in it. It takes a lot of creative and motivation to play it. I find myself going through phases of playing it for weeks and then not playing it for months. You’ve been playing it for years so I understand needing a break to explore other games

  3. This is bitter sweet you are my favorite Minecraft youtuber and I love all the videos you put out especially the smps but I’m glad you’re doing what is best for you!! Excited for your new journey to come! ❤️

  4. an end of an era , thank you for bringing me so much comfort in these Minecraft videos. Will forever remember the first batch of Minecraft videos. I will continue to follow , wherever you decide to take this new path! 🖤

  5. You’ve created so much content for us and we’re so grateful, even though it’s the end of an are, there will always be memories and the series will forever be there for us

  6. Burnout sucks..you feel dead, exhausted and all over inside hlself doubting..and maybe some self hate…but its impotsmt to tske your time….if its grt rushed…doom i hear…dooom. lol

  7. What you have said makes me want to re-think what I am doing as well. I feel you when you say you feel like you're constantly comparing or finding fault. In the end you've gotta be who you are and do what makes you happy. Whatever you choose, have fun!

  8. You’ve provided us with so much Minecraft for so long! Even if you leave, we’ll have much to re-watch and look back on. I hope you find a new passion on this future channel you can throw yourself into, and be re-inspired to create. Love you’re content always :)💜💜 (you’re hair looks really good in this video btw)

  9. I remember when you made this channel and I discovered Minecraft. Through you I discovered so many other YouTubers I grew up watching. I will forever be thankful 💜 It’s sad to hear, but I hope this new chapter brings great things to you! We all can lose passion or get bored of things. Maybe trying out a few more things will rekindle your love, but if not a lot of us will support you regardless!

  10. i don’t usually comment, but just this once i want to say that i came across your channel back in 2017 and ever since that, you have gotten me through the roughest times and it’s so special to me because i usually cant say this about any other person i watch, but i love you and all the lives you’ve touched is so incredible to me. your videos some days would be the only time i smiled and i thank you for everything you do joey. if you read this, i hope you’re having a good day and i cant wait for the new series <3

  11. no yeah people change and that is so healthy joey im so proud that you have the self awareness to recognise the repetirve content and even i feel like you have grown so from minecraft i have followed you through k through 12 and i still will watch your content regardless i love you so much <3<3<3<3<3


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