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5:27 im a fan of him. Magma that’s his YouTube make sure to check him out he makes cool builds!
hold on mumbo jumbo did the bridge first
The thumbnail lmao
Zach should try playing terraria
My brain die his fps is 30 and he had like 240 hz or something pls stop using shader or lower end (jus a tip)
5:37 i like the cookie
Zach is the second Big Brain Mumbo Jumbo and he used 2% of his Brain his full power is 999999%
Your music in starting IS AN INDIAN MOVIE NAME DILWALE
credit to SB737 for making the eye scanner
minecraft meme : MnM &TnT
Friend : I locked my Armour
Me : breaks the block and takes it all
everyone saying hes smart but hes just watching a video
I have done the second last one but i made a pasword door
4:50 that happened to me when i was making a TNT launcher
I was spamming it and launched the tnt in my machine and it broke the machine
Like sub
//stack 20 right
I am watching this on 2x
i can make a flying machine in my sleep
Make mumbos tunel maker🤣🤣🤣
ive been subscribed tot his channel seince 2018 and just yesterday YT tried to unsub me
8:14 redstone spamming intensifies
i love the shAder pack
you dont know me?
does anybody remember the tnt launcher
The youtuber who build the vending machine is magma
2:41 There is an enchantment!!
Rest in peace Zacks brain
But it was worth it
The vending machine when you did way too fast and I tried to do that so next time can you please slow it down
me a "pro" of redstone <i can do that in two second… bruh>
i've seen some of this build
Just use a button instead of a lever in the nether portal
2:45 use harming arrows 2 and kills iron golem in three shots
Did anyone notice that you could just break through the armor storage? Lol