The Most Fun Contraptions Of All: The Bow Tie Man | Minecraft Bedrock Talents #2

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Welcome to this new series of mine, where I share other Minecraft Bedrock creators and their accomplishments with you. I’m not an expert on all things (no one really is), but I do know of people who have amazing creations that you also ask me to do in my comments. So instead of wasting my time on things other people already spent time developing, I can make use of my channel to share these amazing people and their creations with you!

The second entry in this series is about The Bow Tie Man, a fellow content creator that you surely recognize. He designs a lot of contraptions such as piston doors, piston extenders, block swappers etc., but with fantastic presentation that make his videos actually entertaining to watch! You won’t find the most cutting edge of tech here, but you don’t need to – and it’s better this way. Check out his channel below!

I only have good intentions with this series and intend to educate people and strengthen the community. I always ask the creators for permission to be featured before making a video on them!
The Bow Tie Man’s channel!
Outro song: Plaidness by Francis Preve
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26 thoughts on “The Most Fun Contraptions Of All: The Bow Tie Man | Minecraft Bedrock Talents #2”

  1. Hey everyone, just wanted to say that videos are coming out slowly not because I'm out of ideas, but I'm running out of motivation. I have lots of things planned but making them into videos sometimes is hard, and I'm kind of tired working from home and sitting in front of my computer.

    Enough from me though, drop a sub on Bow Tie Man's channel! (assuming you haven't already!) And of course I hope you enjoy this series πŸ™‚


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