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hi come make a farm on my server (play.loverfella.com – server IP) we raised over 40,000 USD last week and you can join our mission 🙂
bless you
Bless u
Bless you
dose any one nodes that every single vid clickbaits
No way i dont laugh at least once watching ur videos
bless you!
Why didn't u just use a bonemeal dispenser for the sheep? XD
bless u
The gold only works on top of the bedrock you can get there very easily
Bless you
Bless you
The phantom comes at you when you don't sleep for 3 nights
Bless you lover fella hope your better
bless you
Note that the gold farm needs to be in a nether waste biome.
bless you
for the gold farm you need to go to the nether roof
You have to make gold farm in top of the nether
Bless you on the sneeze
Bless u
Bbllleeesssssssss yyyyyooooouuuuuuu
did anyone else notice the Mario in the Hoglin hack?
5:54 the magma cube committed magma-cide
SB737 made the gold farm
Bless you
bless you LOL
Bless u
bless you
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12:10 bless you
Bless you
Bless you
9:04 it looks like a beyblade
Bless you
Did you know higlins hate striders in minecraft
Bless u . 😀