Testing Scary Minecraft Myths That TERRIFY You

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) โžœ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Today weโ€™re Testing Scary Minecraft! Have you ever heard of the Blood Warden? I sure hadnโ€™t before I started my myth busting research. The Lore of the Blood Warden is super scary so be sure to let me know what my next Lore should be!


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48 thoughts on “Testing Scary Minecraft Myths That TERRIFY You”

  1. I once experienced something creepy I was playing in my world near my base in creative there was no rain then I just saw a white horse then right after I saw lightning strike on the horse then It never happened again

  2. One time I was playing Minecraft in a coastal village I was bored so I decided to go into a new world (survival by the way cheats off and single player ) so I was about to leave when I heard a screechy noise and villager damage so I carried on playing and I went back to my base and there was signs everywhere all over my house saying save the villager and dont hurt him I left the world but before that I took damage and the weird screechy noise sounded


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