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I Found Minecraft’s Most Illegal Seeds
💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic
TikTok: @dannybionic
Twitter: @dannybionic
Instagram: @danny.bionic
Discord: https://discord.gg/bionic
ILLEGAL SEEDS (try at your own risk!):
Monster: -7022821511990905860
Tallest Mansion: 9032020355102865297
Cursed Birch Forest: -8312510913473405460
Glitched Spawner Chest: 1888390996630966921
Portal + Monument: 337488497076076594
Rarest End Portal: -4530634556500121041
Minecart Spawner: -5674279668363084546
Triple Spawners: -8737463044200099557
Ghost Village: 6579859671319283481
theres a floting vileger at 4:07
I summon #camman18
Bro why was there a blue villager in the forest seed
2:46 I Have Seen This Seed It Is Not So Scary Like The Other Myths
What is that mountain
I mean what🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 in the first seed
Bro just lies about stuff and people are like "Can we appreciate how much effort bionic puts in these videos" if anything these thumbnails are straight doo doo
It was super weird he was blue
3:47 look at herobrian at the top
in the birch forest if you slow down you some blue thing in the sky
I see entity505
She is flying
Im an Ey fan so I love these Bionic videos. Eystreem also put some of these seeds in his video.
i jas see entiti 3o3 isee ovr up der rait ovr shadow
is 1 2 3 3o3 you mis i d yet
Broo i see a sad monster in your 1 montain
i had the glitch where the minecart was in the spawner but for me it fell in my shulker box on donut smp
3:47 why is there a player on the right of bionics face?
ded ene of you see a black thing flaying
Monster Cave Seed Is A Scary Myth
I saw someone fly at the corner at Frist i thoungt that my tablet was dirty but no it not at 3:41
Again at 3:48
And at 3:55
Again at 4:7
And at4:7 after he look back and turn back