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Surviving 100 Days In Minecraft Underground | The Frustrated Gamer Minecraft gameplay is back and today I am taking on a new Minecraft 100 days survival video! 100 Days in a Minecraft cave is the toughest challenge I’ve faced so far! Let’s play Minecraft 100 day survival with The Frustrated Gamer!
#Minecraft100Days #Minecraft #FrustratedGamer
► 100 Days In Hardcore Minecraft Skyblock! https://youtu.be/i79bRUGkQg4
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tfgvlogs
► MY VLOG CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/tfgvlogs
for the TFG: TFG please try baldi is an angel mod I have tried it and angel baldis voice is an echo and it's super cool
Tfg yay
Day one of asking the frustrated gamer to go back to Jurassic world evolution
Yes, of course, you can get food underground. If you find a spawner or a chest in a minecart, there's a chance to get food.
Umm soo he has to survive 100days but if he die the bid ends???????
Vid not bid
Plz play more Minecraft and go to the Smp again and also you know it’s good vids your my favourite channel
You can trade villagers with emeralds
You should have turned the wood into planks before cooking it to make charcoal because you would have been able to cook it four times or kept three planks.
If you find Redstone, that's terrific news because they can be used to make torches and also you can get a lot of them.
I like brodon play solor smas
You should be tiny for 100 days
Me and my brother are creating our own Baldi movie if you’d like to check it out then do it! We’ve worked very hard on this and would love if you check it out! Love your vids
Go in to school for 3:00🦋
You can get bread from a mineshaft chest
Brandon I think emeralds are rarer than diamonds but im not sure.
You should make a tfg discord server
Brandon play Amanda the advanturer
I love the minecraft videos
Use mineshafts for wood
do 100 days in the mushroom island
You can trade them to vleagers
try surviving in a desert 100 days
Play pixelmon plez
Yay! Finally! Another Minecraft video! Would you play Pokemon UNITE next? It is available in computer!
Brandon u could of strip mine
Emeralds spawn in mountain biomes so i think you are under a mountain
More poppy play time pls
Hi can you please play baldi's basics. No baldi's basics mod in a while. Btw love your channel TFG
The answer to the third question in baldi is 31718
villager tradeing fyi
Brandon, you can plant crops underground as long as they are on dirt, have a lot of light, and water. Google literally said that in the thing you brought up.
Me To I Did Not Know That To Thank You Tfg For searching That.
Thank you Brandon 😊 play with spycakes please 🙏 ❤ 😊 ☺
2017: 2022 is gonna be the future I want to see it today (Brandon: *eating zombies
you can survive 100 days in space
BRANDON in the poppy playtime game kissy missy is on the game but at the end of the game mommy long legs acts werid just here to let you know
brandon you should get dirt alot of sappling so you can plant the sapling under ground and still get work
brandon:i must eat rotten flesh
reality:yum! theese glow berries are so tasty!
i also have a tip
tip: iron and coal spawns more to the top than bottom
tip v2:use stairs for mining,u can use a grindstone to save ur stone
11:24 brandon says can we eat bats. bats is maked covid.