Let's Play Minecraft Survival : This Seed is AMAZING! Episode 2

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Let’s Play Minecraft survival is back for episode 2, today it’s time to dive down into the caves and find some iron and sort out food situation before we starve to death. As we’re in a new world I want to go explore and look at the amazing minecraft seed around us.

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29 thoughts on “Let's Play Minecraft Survival : This Seed is AMAZING! Episode 2”

  1. hey fWhip, when your hunger bar is 3 short you can actually eat the steak too. It helps just as much as it would with 4 hunger bars short. Theres a invisible bar that fills up appropriate to the amount exceeding the visible one πŸ™‚
    And plant those melons instead!!!

  2. 1) I'd put the first set of armor on armor stands in the bedroom, or have each set of armor (gold, iron, diamond, leather) standing in the storage room and guards. πŸ™‚
    2) Balcony out of the bottom house that leads to a bridge across the mountains.
    3) Hot. Air. Balloon. (or blimp). Outside of the main house.

  3. you really should use a shield!

    i know its convenient to have torches in the off hand BUT with a shield you can just charge in the creepers and skeletons faces and not have to worry about taking damage. that means you can literally run through caves and explore a LOOOT more and it takes a fraction of a second to change to a torch in the hot bar.


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