Strongest creatures in Minecraft!!!! #shorts #short #minecraft April 2, 2021 by POWDIEPUNK Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ #shorts #short #minecraft #youtubeshort #youtubeshorts source
look I just found out why the enderman deflects the arrows using the ultra instinct of goku even the chicken can Reply
Name song pls
What's the name of this music
Endermen are actually immune to them that's why it didnt hurt him
Enserman:Mangekyou Sharingan
The water is giving me Anxiety
But when we hit it with something eles with no arrow that noob
Enderman: I AM GOD!!!!
The power of chicken
bruh my mans on pocket edition
Probably some other versions make the enderman tp to a place with no water
Wait a sec..
Enderman:not brave chicken:im very brave means chicken is stronger than enderman
Ender am. Are like the anime of animes
Do fance
Enderman: SHARIGAN!!!!!!
Chicken: can survive 100 arrows
Also chiking that can survive a hit by a rock sword: yes
wither can also take no damage if getting hit by arrow
Bruh ender
făi și cu un alt joc
Invicibility frame bruh
Ето слабии стрели
avarage bedrock player IQ
Biggest Click batter on Youtube
Enderman: i swear do i wont die
The legendary chicken
Enderman sees arrows
Enderman:Guess I have to do it goes ultra instinct
look I just found out why the enderman deflects the arrows using the ultra instinct of goku even the chicken can
Theyre called mobs
The only mob in minecraft to Achievement ultra instict
The answer is haki
The enderman had future sight observation
And the chicken had king armament
The chicken is clearly the strongest one because it didn’t even feel the need to dodge.
Bedrock Edition is shit